So I went on a date with this girl. This girl is like a 9 and she knows it. First dates was great. Lasted like 4 hours.
I send her a text after the first date and texted her few days later for a second date and she agreed.
Although she agreed, she didn’t seem very enthusiastic.
Second date I picked her up and took her to a really nice restaurant. Dropped like $200
She was so happy and she was showing all the signs that’s she’s into me. It was whole day date. There were a few times that she was turned off, like some guy was checking her out and as soon as they saw me behind her, they said “oh man I’m not looking at your girl. “I literally didn’t say anything to the guy. She thought I said something to him. That kinda turned her off.
So I dropped her off and she said maybe we can go hiking next time. I said sure, let me know when.
I went home waited 4 hours to see if text me and thank for for the day and nothing. I send her a text and said I had a good time and let me know when she want to go hiking she replied saying that she had a good time as well.
So I kinda left the ball in her court by saying let me know when you want to go hiking.
Next week she never texted me and I never texted her. I ended up un matching her after a week not hearing from her.
Then these girls wonder why guys don’t give a shit. Like I put in the effort to take you out on 2 amazing dates and spend a good amount. I even picked you up and dropped you off.
You can even send a text to initiate a 3rd date?
These are things that make men exhausted and treat these girls like shit and the keep complaining why there’s no good man left.

  1. you came on too strong. she doesn’t owe you anything regardless of what you spent or did. she should at least just tell you she’s not interested, but again she doesn’t have to.

  2. Did you try to kiss her?
    Did you attempt any physical contact? touching arm, hand, holding hands??

  3. I dont think you waited long enough. Once i waited a whole month after going on a date to see the person again. It was a mutual thing, we were both busy. Honestly i would not recommend waiting *that* long normally, but currently the person im dating only see each other about every 2 weeks

    When youve just met someone i think its okay to wait that long

    Anyway im sure someone has said this already but $200 on a second date just isnt a good move

  4. So you spent a bit of money on a hot girl and didn’t get a 3rd date out of it..
    she didn’t owe you another date just because you took her out.
    She probably should have replied and said Thankyou. I get that.
    But you unmatched her? Maybe she thinks you’re no longer interested?
    If someone did that to me I wouldn’t be chasing them up either.

  5. She’s not interested. There’s nothing more to it. Poor form on her for ghosting you.

  6. Don’t invest so much money and energy in first dates. Why do you do that? Are you trying to impress her by going to an expensive restaurant? lol. No one cares.

    What did she do to earn it? Just because she is a nice, pretty woman? Sorry, that shouldn’t be enough for you. Don’t invest significantly more energy in a woman than she does in you.

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