Fellow guys, how the fuck do you get girls to notice you and talk to them without constantly feeling like a creep?

  1. Say, “Hi” and be genuinely interested in them as a fellow human instead of trying to be ‘noticed.’ People are pretty interesting. Life will get better once you realize that.

  2. For more context, my entire life my parents kept me away from girls and my sister made me feel like a creep, I don’t know how to talk or act. I’ve also looked much older than my age once I was 13 (people always asking when I’m graduating and stuff) I’m currently 19 and look around 28 and people assume I’m my moms husband, this all concludes to the point where I can’t talk to a woman besides my own mom without feeling like I’m making people uncomfortable. Sorry for the rant.

  3. It’s very simple, build some muscles. Usually, it’s not me or you who decides whether or not we are being creepy, it’s usually the girl that decides it. If she finds you attractive, anything you say is “just right” if she doesn’t find you attractive, then the smoothest move will be seen as creepy af.

  4. You are not your thoughts. Not those thoughts that make you feel like a creep. You’re not being creepy by saying hello
    to someone. Nothing creepy about it.
    It’s expected.

    Go say hi and move on if they’re not into it.

  5. Maybe you could fix your look to be more inline with your age? If you don’t look like a creep, most girls won’t treat you like one.

    As for chatting, make sure you aren’t in their space. Smile, be polite, and be genuine.

  6. Practice

    “We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.”

  7. Just treat them like people. Go in with no expectations, and try to have a good time. It works out far better than a lot of other methods because you don’t come off threatening.

  8. You’re 19. Get a job as a cashier or something and sit next to the girls in the break room. ‘Whats life like in the Garden center?’

  9. Just talk to them like people. No intent on getting them naked. You wont look creepy if its not on your mind. You might actually find one that likes you.

  10. If you have to think for too long on what to do (in relation to somebody) then maybe you should just walk away. 🤔😏

  11. First rule: only ever smile at their face.

    Seriously: talk to them like you would talk to men. Don’t think about getting laid or getting a girlfriend, because that just makes the person you’re talking to a means to achieve your goal. Be interested in who they are and what they do, not just what they can do for you.

    Despite popular misconceptions, women are people like us. Treat them accordingly.

  12. Honestly…one of the best conversations I had ever had at a bar. I was out with my younger brother and his friends. They met some girls and went out dancing while I hung back and talked to the remaining woman. Asked her name and she responded with her name and “I’m married”. I said that was fine, I am not looking to hook up, just out my my brother and his friends. Proceeded to hang out with them the rest of the night and had some good conversation with her interspersed with the younger folks antics. Said it was great to hang out with you at the end of the night and went home.

    People are people…just talk, be yourself with no preconceived notions of hooking up and it usually works out. I wasn’t looking for anything when I met my wife. 20 years later…our son just graduated High school.

  13. There are no tricks that I know of. The only way to do it is to f***ing do it.

  14. Dress better, smile, and be friendly. All the qualities guys classify as being “good with women” like confidence or charm start out from the same place: approach women like they’re a person and try to be their friend.

    The creeps are the guys who are openly talking to a girl to get her in bed, it comes off as sad and desperate.

  15. Try to get the thought of creep out of your mind. We as girls do not think that way. If you find someone attractive or want to get to know PLEASE go say hello and introduce yourself. We are desperately waiting for guys to do that.
    If the girl won’t be so friendly, it’s okay, do not worry just walk away, it’s not the best time for her as she probably has something going on in her life or taken.

    Prepare some interesting topics that you can talk about and keep conversation going, it will be helpful always.

    Always act as a gentleman.

  16. Depends how ugly or charismatic you are. Most won’t tell you the truth but the same behaviors that are ok for some are creepy for others. Can’t really give you blanket rules cause there aren’t any

    I’d suggest trying to do social activities with groups so the focus isn’t just on “talking with girls to notice you”, girls are adept at smelling desperation. Chill out. Now that you’re doing activities you have shared interests, should make it easier

  17. You dont. The overemphasis on wanting to be “noticed” is how women check if you’re creepy or not.

    Women dont want a man that relies on them to feel good about themselves, thats why confidence is expected, thats why you dont go & “show confidence” you simply are by focusing on yourself 🤙🏼

  18. If you like you can PM and I can help you start a conversation and teach you some tips. I don’t mind.

  19. I don’t try to get anyone’s attention. If some woman walks up to me and starts a conversation, fine. If not, also fine.

  20. Reverse filter.

    Don’t put up an act thinking it’ll lead you to love/attraction. Do things because you have that love/attraction within yourself. I hope that makes sense.

    But basically I’m saying “be yourself”. Yes this is corny advice, and for a lot of people, they haven’t quite found themselves yet, so its understandable to be misguided in this regard. But if you just be yourself, the girls who think you’re a creep, aren’t the right girls for you anyways. You’re filtering out the people who aren’t right for you, so in the end, it works out.

  21. I got more female attention once I got in shape and started to pursue my hobbies instead of just drinking all the time. And it was from very attractive females might I add. It doesn’t hurt that I’m already physically attractive but I noticed a major improvement after doing those 2 things.

    Edit: you can just start talking to people more is the main advice I hear, but this is what got me more unsolicited attention.

  22. The coolest guy in the room isn’t trying to be noticed, and the creepiest guy in the room is the one trying to be noticed. Women will notice your posture, how you dress and carry yourself, resulting in your confidence. That being said, women won’t throw themselves at you, shoot your shot. Try everything until you find what works for you. Every woman is different, so how you would attract them depends on the situation, place and time, and their current mood. So don’t get down on yourself if the stars don’t align. Just don’t be a dick because they don’t react how you expect them to. They don’t owe you anything. Try and try again.

  23. Well if you’re in a social situation and want to approach a girl. Comment on her shoes, or her shirt, something you can get talking about. Then introduce yourself, maybe ask them what brings them here, etc. If you’re doing a non social situation same thing, just understand you might get rejected and that’s ok. You don’t want a girl who’s not interested in you anyway.

  24. It’s not creepy unless you make it creepy. Sometimes I’ll see a girl and when she looks at me, and we make eye contact, I don’t break for a few sec unless she breaks. Seems to work out for me, because usually, the interested girls will keep checking back and glancing at me every few sec, and I kinda do the same (how else would I know).

    I work at a Whole Foods (was going to put semi upscale grocery store but wtf is that), smack dab in midtown of a busy city. Met my current gf, future wife, there like that.

  25. You shouldn’t focus on making yourself look more interesting. Focus on your life and doing things you like and be busy. That’s what makes you interesting

  26. Build the belief that you have something great to offer by working on yourself until you do.

  27. So you’re thinking what do I need to do, or how do I need to behave so that girls are open to me. This is wrong. You’re not valuing yourself and not respecting the people you are wanting to talk to.

    When you’re attractive, women let you know in so many ways. You never have to worry “damn I missed my chance, if I only did this”.
    If you’re attractive women will create chances for you again and again.

    So imo 2 things get you a long way. Gym and just doing your own thing while being nice to talk to (dont have an agenda). Talk to everyone in a positive friendly way and don’t try to flirt or hit on people you think are attractive. Again, women will give you massive cues if they’re into you.

    Basically work on yourself until you feel happy with yourself. Enjoy the attention this brings and go with the flow.

    Forcing yourself on people (when you don’t even like yourself) just doesn’t work

  28. If you don’t succeed right away, just quit trying and forget about it. Move on.

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