when my girlfriend just wants to cuddle how do I be less horny

  1. Just accept it. Learn to control what you do, instead of fighting how you feel. The more comfortable she is with you the more sexy time you will have to fight the horniness.

  2. Unfortunately it’s something you’re both going to have to live with. Men crave affection and nothing is a greater visible representation of you appreciating the moment that then when you’re pitching a tent, cuddling with your lady.

  3. Just don’t escalate. Like if you get bricked up just chill, you get them randomly too so what’s the issue here. Let her escalate.

  4. We’ve been dating since freshman year we are seniors
    I still don’t know the answer to this

  5. Say, “Oh, fir sure babe. Lemme just go use the bathroom first.” Jerk off vigorously into the toilet to Instagrams pictures of her sister. Wash your hands and go have yourself a cuddle. You deserve it!

  6. It’s just a boner. It won’t kill you, it won’t explode, it won’t turn into a fire breathing dragon.

    Just ignore it. Yeah, I know, that isn’t as easy as it seems, but it’s a life skill you need to develop anyway, so practice it.

  7. Be honest. Don’t let her believe you are satisfied when you are not! This will turn into bigger misunderstandings as your relationship continues!

    Communicate to her your needs, too. You deserve to get your needs met by your partner!

    Ideally you can come to an understanding about how much sex you need in order to enjoy as much cuddles as she needs!

  8. You can be horny, just ignore it. No wandering hands without asking first. Put it in the bank for later.

  9. The boner does not understand context or circumstances. The brain and your behavior does.

  10. Just try to take a nap… if you get a boner, remind her that it’s not a choice. No matter how much will you have, she’s the only one that can make it go away.

  11. Just take her bro she agreed to be your GF that’s basically full-time consent

  12. Save up your pent up sexual energy and when the time comes actually make her bust.

  13. Accept the fact you won’t be less “less horny.”

    Appreciate the fact she wants to cuddle. Just cuddle. When she asks, “How come you are jumping my bones?” you reply, “Babe, I do want to jump your bones, but I also want to respect your space and your needs.” And, then she’ll get so turned on she’ll jump your bones.

  14. If she doesn’t like the boner tell her to be grateful that you aren’t soft and not turned on holding her and cuddling her.

  15. I made a Scroll of Truth meme but am unable to post it. So picture it with this on the scroll

    “Men will always be horny, at any age, barring a medical condition for which we were still horny and had to make potions to keep hope alive. Time is no obstacle to the male sex drive”

  16. Your asking the wrong question, the real question is “how do you get your girlfriend to match your horniness?”

  17. So boners aren’t even a good way to determine if you’re actually horny or in the mood, if you’re cuddling and popping a boner that’s pretty normal.

    If you’re actually horny and want to fuck you can try and talk about it with her just don’t pressure her are seen upset if she’s not into it

  18. There’s no way to control it. My dick gets hard every time I cuddle my girl from behind when my dick can feel the presence of her buttcrack. You just can’t control it. It’s hardwired to our male DNA.

  19. You don’t have to act on your feelings. It’s called self control. You can be horny and do nothing about it just fine. 👍

    If you need help practicing self control… well, try giving up basic comforts for the purpose of gaining control over your life, it’s good practice. For example, taking only cold showers. Or sleeping without a pillow. Always taking the stairs. Things you don’t want to do that you choose to anyway.

    With practice it becomes easier to control yourself.


  20. I’m going to try wearing a cup because EVERY TIME, captain schlongg thinks it’s time to play. It’s annoying

  21. Women can push limits too, I had an ex who when she felt the tent starting would try to make it go full on, at the worst possible times, at her family BBQ in the pool? Movie night with both families, sounds like a horny dream but man that shit sucked

  22. Nothing is more honest than an erection. You should be thrilled that you’re so attracted to your girlfriend.

  23. Ha. My partner and I have the opposite issue. I normally escalate things to sex, when he’s happy just cuddling…

  24. If her ass is adjacent to my dick then boner is a guarantee. It may fade tho, after a few minutes. I’ve been married for 14 years. I grope her like crazy if we spoon.

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