So I was good friends with one of my co workers for about 3 years. To be clear it wasn’t just a “work friend” as we hung a lot outside of work. However a year they quit the job. We continued talking and hanging out for about 3 months but less frequently. Eventually I also quit the job, and since then we haven’t hung out once. I would text or call them once and a while, we would have pretty good convos, we would make plans but nothing came from it. Now it’s been 6 months and we haven’t even texted. At this point I just don’t feel very comfortable calling them up as I feel it’s been too long.

So I’m just curious if in their opinion our friendship was just “work friends” and that I was misconstrued?

Im pretty sad about it, I have a few other friends not many though , and I really valued the one I had with them.

1 comment
  1. Could covid have had an impact, alot of people nervous about meeting up, jobs impacted and life became stressful? Maybe reach out and suggest a meet up one more time, what have you got to lose, if they put you off or don’t respond then you have your answer and you can just let it go

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