If any, what are some superstitions that you believe in?

  1. Passing a knife, scissors or broom.
    *They say if you pass these to someone you will end up fighting with them*

    I know it’s dumb but in the back of my mind it’s etched and the feeling that something bad might happen won’t go away.

  2. I listen to my mom’s gut feelings a lot – it has kept me from certain social events and things – because she tends to be right about a ton of disturbing things. Not sure if that counts.

  3. The better I look, the more likely I’ll have a terrible day. It was weirdly true for nearly every single time that I’ve cried in public the last two years – I’d be looking so cool in my jewelry and then boom.

    I realized after a while that there’s a reason for it – if I feel shit in the morning, I try to make myself look nice to boost my mood. But I still feel slightly wary of wearing my necklaces ;P

  4. Knock on wood.

    Give a penny with a knife.

    Don’t walk under ladders.

    Mirrors should be covered/respected.

    Cross your fingers when you mean it.

  5. Don’t tattoo a romantic partner’s name on yourself. It’s a surefire omen that the relationship will not last.

  6. I work in a hospital and won’t use the Q word or comment on how “not busy” we are.

  7. I’m still not convinced it’s a myth/superstition, but… in my region of the world the rumor says if you get your feet cold, you get sick. And I promise it happens! I don’t know if it’s some sort of inflammation caused by cold feet that only happens to our people or what but if I get my feet cold, I will probably have some digestive issues at the least within the next 36 hours.

  8. When someone interrupts and buys in mid-point roll, it ices the table (craps).

  9. There is a traditional chinese medicine belief of “Spring cover autumn frozen”, which says you don’t bring out your winter clothes when it first gets cold, but you keep your winter clothes on until it gets very hot.

    I thought this was complete BS but my sister and mother who do it are almost never sick…

  10. I don’t touch money someone dropped on the ground because i feel like something bad will happen to me if i pick it up and take it from someone who needs it more.

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