Hi. I live in flat in apartment house (building with a lot of flats in it), and this house has grocery store in it. I go to it almost everyday. There is a cashier, a woman in her 30’s, she always works in this store. Yesterday was a very hot day, and I went to buy some water there. I noticed that this woman was wearing a very nice dress. I wasn’t sure saying about niceness of her dress when I was staying near her. But, after paying for water and opening the door to exit, I had said: “You have a very nice dress”. She smiled to me and responded “Thank you” and I had left. It’s not a long and exciting story, but it was my first time I did such stuff. I feel so good for doing it. Will you have found this as a good compliment or does it sound weird? I’m not experienced in such things because I’m a schoolboy.

  1. It’s very lovely when you get a compliment for something nice you have chosen. You complimented her dress, which isn’t weird. I always compliment cute boots when I see them.

  2. I was on a train once, and it was just me and one other person there, a girl a few years younger than me, early 20s maybe. She had a perfume on that smelled amazing, and I desperately wish I had gone over and asked which brand it was because I wanted it for myself. I felt it would be creepy and I’m super awkward, so I didn’t, and I regret it.

    I like it when people are open and free. Worked at burger King, was about to close up around 2 AM, and had one tiny burger left that had been there for a few hours so it was kinda gross and tired. It was going in the trash. But then a girl showed up and asked if we had anything left. I told her, this burger is kinda gross, but you can have it for free if you want. She said yes and kissed my hand, like one of those grab your hand and gently kiss the knuckles kind of thing. It was totally unexpected and super sweet. I’m not gay, and she was very obviously gay, but still. I was very flattered.

  3. If you think its a very nice dress, and you’re just appreciating her dress. Who cares, as long as you’re being you 🙂

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