So, I became friends with a girl back in about 5th grade (she was 4th grade at the time), and over that school year, I developed a crush on her. Since then, we’ve grown distant, but used to text through middle school. Anyway, it’s been about 2 years since we talked, I forgot all about her, until my junior year of high school. (this year) She was suddenly back in my life. She was in my class last semester, on my bus, and even at the same lunch. So seeing her back in my life sparked something in me, like, I wasn’t in her life, but I wanted to be in hers. Everyone I talked to told me to “let her go” but it’s not that easy, she still means something to me, even after all these years. Anyway, she’s on my mind a lot, and I’m just not sure what to do. I have tried to reach out, I wrote a letter, texted her, but nothing. She may think I’m annoying or weird (as I’m a trans girl, came out in Oct 2020) now. I hate being desperate like this, but she’s not responding to anything, so it’s hard not to feel sad. Like, right now, thinking of her makes my heart happy, but also makes it want to shatter.

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