My group of friends is slowly drifting apart. 2 of us are in the military (1 in BT, 1 in Bahrain), me and another go to school together, the 5th doesn’t talk to us anymore or respond to our calls/texts. The 6th is 5 months into a mormon mission. And the 7th one died a month ago.

I don’t have a girlfriend, and no real desire for one.

How can I deal with this solitude and loneliness I am facing? I realize that it is a part of life, and it’s better to accept than fight it, but I am only 19, and feeling unequipped for this situation.

  1. It’s just the first wave of friends. You make new ones and also those may fade into different paths of life. That’s okay too. Just try to remain open to leaving your comfort zone, because that’s actually the true struggle for most people. And accepting solitude sort of sounds like it tbh.

  2. Simple answer – don’t. Unless solitude is something you want, then you can always make new friends. I know it’s tough “leaving behind” your old friends, but it doesn’t have to be that way either. Make new ones and if the old ones come back, that’s great too.

    As far as romantic interests go, if you’re not wanting that then don’t worry about it, but if you want it, then I suggest you do more things that are community oriented. Go to parades and street fairs, join a church or a volunteer organization, etc. Don’t knock the church suggestion btw – churches are institutions and they serve a far greater purpose than worship. These can all help you make new friends too.

    Overall don’t feel like your social life is ending. It’s just changing.

  3. Pop down The Winking Skeever for an ale or two. That’ll help you accept anything.

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