Do you resign yourself to bed until it’s over? Do you try and pull yourself out of it and continue with all the social events etc. you had planned to do before it hit?

  1. I cancel all plans and focus on myself and my family. Sometimes that means we go for a walk, or just watch a movie cuddled up in the dark. Sometimes that means I clean like a mad woman until im in tears.

    That being said I haven’t seen my friends in six months.

  2. I personally try to go to as many social things as possible, keeps me from turning into a house troll. Even if it’s just sitting in my pjs at my friends house, or helping a friend run errands or do chores. Eat a little healthier, I’ll totally use a stomach ache or bloating as an excuse to stay in bed. But I let myself go to bed early and take my sleeping pill so i stay asleep through the night. Open the curtains and windows in the morning. Basically just keep myself busy, use my friends to keep me sane and keep my home clean.

    Doing something nice for a friend usually cheers me up the most.

  3. I try to be proactive and do activities that usually help me “reset” my thoughts to some degree when I’m depressed and/or stressed, such as working out at home and meditating while also keeping stressful situations to a minimum and delegating/reporting tasks and appointments that aren’t urgent or important.

    Also, focusing on the essentials such as remaining hydrated, eating even when I have no appetite – even if it’s just a meal a day -, moving around (it can be just a 20 minutes walk before or after dinner to get some fresh air) and self-care.

  4. Most times I give in, not gonna lie. I hate doing so though, I know that once I come around I will be pissed at myself for waiting so much time in bed. Because of this I have started to force myself to do little tasks here and there – completing a small task (making the bed) gives me a small sense of accomplishment that usually carries me through completing another one. That small sense of accomplishment does wonders! I have also found that breaking up the day into 4 quarters really helps get rid of that “the day is ruined” feeling. Now if one quarter has passed in which I did absolutely nothing, I know I still have three more left! Also, meds have helped, though meds are not for everyone.

  5. When I’m depressed it’s most likely because I haven’t been outside or seen anyone for an extended period of days, sometimes just going on vr chat and talking to someone helps

  6. I usually stock up on healthy snacks and protein shakes etc because I know eating will be difficult when in the depressive episode, and I cancel social events if I have any. I then let myself snack, watch a comfort show or movie and take my time until it passes

  7. I think of my brain as a magnet. And I stroke my thoughts the opposite way when they start going in a negative direction. Just like you can change the polarity on on magnet. Constant positive repetition causes my line of thinking to more habitually move in a positive direction.

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