Its tinder after all so it feels like you’re supposed to flirt, but at the same time maybe flirting will just make you seem desperate. What do you think?

Im guessing that the answer lies somewhere in the middle but not sure

  1. Depends what she has on her profile but definitely I prefer friendly manner. I don’t like people being flirty out of the blue, some girls like it though.

  2. most guys are horrendous at flirting, especially over text. so just talk to them like a normal human being. and try to schedule a date ASAP. just coffee so you can actually meet. you dont need a texting buddy, you need a date. minimize the texting. meet up and see if you have a real connection

  3. No iam not agree flirt is the normal aproch irs the same for Man and Woman

  4. Learn to analyze their profile. Girl wants to have fun too. JUST DONT GET RUDE & DISRESPECTFUL with flirting.

  5. Friendly conversations can become boring so flirting is always the better option.

    Also why you think flirting makes you look desperate?

  6. You want to be friendly, but at same time make sure to be yourself. In other words don’t go out of you way to seem to flirty or friendly, if that is not part of your natural personality.

  7. there is no one solution to the horrors that is dating apps. just try some things and sometimes you get a nice match. dont try to impress them because everyone is doing that.

  8. I’ve noticed that guys who I felt more interested talking to were ones who I felt comfortable with. Flirting is great, but I would say personally for me, the pressure that flirting adds to it puts a bit of pressure. I’d it be sort of platonic with a bit of romance and have it naturally build, you know?

  9. I think that when you guys are first talking by text it should be more friendly with some flitting. When you meet in person you should flirt more. A thing that happens a lot is women ending up rejecting a guy after a few dates because they “didn’t get a spark” or are “not feeling it” and most of the times that happens because she got too many friendly vibes from a guy and are not interested in them romantically after that, just as friends mostly.

  10. My approach is:
    – don’t swipe right on girls with empty bios or bios that have an ig/tg/whatever link.
    – swipe right on whoever you want to of the other girls
    After that, when you get a match, you flirt only with girls with flirty bios. And you try to arrange a date ASAP with anyone you match with.

  11. I prefer flirty but the playful teasing kind and not the super sexually charged kind.

  12. Do you wanna be put in the friendzone? If not be flirty, and never apologize for being bold and confident. If you say something flirty in a bold/confident way and they get mad even tho it wasn’t even a bad Comment, just say “it’s okay, not everyone can handle a cute, confident guy” and walk away

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