What would make you feel comfortable making your first sex tape with your SO?

  1. I’m already comfortable. He’s not and I doubt anything would change that. He *knows* I’d never share it, but he’s just not into it

    I think people usually either are or they aren’t. No changing them unless trust is the barrier

  2. Sadly, nothing.

    I think it could be hot in theory, but I think it would also take us out of the moment, make it feel too performative.

    But most importantly, I don’t ever ever want someone watch me having sex that I didn’t consent to. And while I don’t think my partner would ever commit revenge porn against me, no one ever thinks their partner or ex partner would do that, until they do. And even if they don’t leak it, hacking happens. Or they can lose their passwords, or lose the device the content is on… Heck, I saw the story of a girl who was trying really hard to get the cellphone of her uncle who just died because she knew he had videos of him and his girlfriend and she wanted to delete that before the whole family saw it while going through it.

    For me, the risks are just too high and far outweighs anything that could be sexy about it.

  3. Absolutely nothing. I have no need of making one and I don’t know of any reason he would need one. Besides, too easy for that shit to end up in the wrong hands or even on the internet.

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