This guy name Alex has a girlfriend a couple of years ago he and I did actually sleep together once while he’s been in the relationship. And he would have done it again had I allowed it. ((Us hooking up is irrelevant to this post though))

Five months ago when I asked Alex if I could massage him. (I wasn’t implying anything sexual I’ve actually gone to school for Massage Therapy) He told me he would love to but that he doesn’t think it’s a good idea. And that he’s trying to be a good boy. I guess saying he doesn’t want to cheat? So I started talking to another guy name Billy. And the first time Alex saw me talking to Billy he walked by me saying he liked my scarf. The second time Alex saw me 
talking to Billy he walked over to where we were and started talking.

So is this normal behavior? Like basic interaction or was he actually trying to get my attention?

  1. He doesn’t want you to be with anyone else because he wants your attention while not actually wanting you himself. He wants to keep you dangling. He only pays attention if you are paying attention to someone else.

  2. For lack of a better term I call it Monkey Brain, just primal buffoonery to attract your attention. Ignore Alex, he’s in a relationship and just wants the feeling of “I can if I want too”. You don’t need that…. nobody does.

  3. there’s a great book called “why does he do that” by lundy bancroft. just google free pdf version. everything you wanna know is there, he’s just another one of the bad guys out there.

    he’s struggling with his morals, stay away from people who show you who they are in the worst way. he is a cheater, his girl clearly found out or he wouldn’t be worried. alex doesn’t care about you or his girlfriend, Alex cares about himself and his own pleasures. Alex doesn’t truly care if you like billy, he just wants the power so if he does feel like being “bad” again, you won’t be snatched up.

    I know you’ll need experience massaging men, but maybe go for men that you wouldn’t flirt with. i’m not calling you a creep or anything i am just saying that massages can be taken the wrong way by the wrong people and you need to stay safe out here, people are scary. men who do things like this do stalk women every single day, and they do eventually threaten, attack, murder them. massage therapists have been targets for years, if someone shows red flags like this – don’t work on them.

  4. Lol i think ya having sex does have to do with the post thats the reason he might’ve declined the massage, him knowing ya went there already, probably thought that was your way of initiating intimacy.

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