In this whole modern day dating fiasco. I try to avoid games and manipulation as much as I can. But I’ve only gotten results when I play games. Being sweet, vulnerable and honest about my feelings has gotten me zero results. Or am I just meeting terrible people?

  1. What’s going on is you’re meeting people who don’t actually like you for you. That’s all. Because if you have to play the games to get someone to like you, they’re not chasing you but rather that feeling of lacking something you’re creating by playing the games.

    Make sense?

  2. “women love men who hate him” -> “play games” -> “being sweet” are three really long steps, and play games is super arbitrary. Being sweet is one thing, vulnerable and honest can come across as moving to fast or baggage. Not to say that makes them right, just pointing out that “acting like an asshole” kind of mentality is far removed from “being sweet and vulnerable”, its impossible to interpret exactly what you mean or what youve tried. Women being bad at supporting vulnerable men /= “women prefer men who hate them”

  3. I think it’s just who you’re meeting. I have the same experience lately but that’s 2 girls out of millions right? Try to get busier and get the rest of your life on point

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