Debating deleting social media (particularly Instagram). I’m always hesitant cuz It’s such a normal thing nowadays, but also it’s not a bad way to talk to women. However its just very toxic imo, not to mention it makes me waste lots of time and feel lonely. What do yall think?

  1. I don’t have IG, Snap, or Facebook (that I use). I have Twitter and Reddit, but the administration deletes it for me.

  2. I own them, but i don’t use any of those at all

    But i spend a ridiculous amount of time on discord and reddit so im not sure ive saved much haha

  3. I deleted Facebook. It was the only social media I had where people knew who I was. It’s been 8 months and I only logged back in once to look at a post on a buy nothing group somebody told me I might be interested in. No regrets.

  4. I’m not on any social media (unless Reddit counts); it was a conscious decision to remove all online presence and not be part of the toxicity anymore. Life’s been wonderful since I removed it all.

  5. I deleted my Instagram and Snap years ago. I keep Facebook deactivated and I only use Messenger.

    Life is much better without it if I am being honest. The amount of disappointment I would receive from friends leaving me out of hangouts, all the bragging people do when they get a new job or relationship, all the perfect pictures they put up… it just felt so fake and toxic.

    I never wanted to admit it as I used to think it was a sign of weakness but I struggled with comparing my life with others. But I know this is a struggle many men face, not just me. And social media escalates this struggle 100x.

    The only downside is that I do have FOMO and there are times I have ZERO clue what happened in so and so’s life. But most of those people are those I never was close with or was simply acquainted with so really I am not missing much.

    10/10 would recommend deleting or at least limiting.

  6. I just have IG (and Reddit). I got rid of Facebook a few years ago because it was all political crap or things I don’t care about. I feel a lot better not wasting my time on people’s opinions I don’t care about.

  7. I have deleted most of it. Social media, FB in particular, is poison filled with virtue signalers with no concept of objectivity or analytical skill. You can experience that on Reddit, too, such as r/conspiracy, but there are pockets on Reddit where you can actually have a conversation or be a jovial ass without intervention from a butt hurt mod or being reported. YMMV

  8. Reddit is the only platform and it’s bad enough already, I don’t need the others too.

  9. The only form of social media I have is LinkedIn. It’s kinda of required in my field as a software engineer as it’s where all the recruiters hangout. But if I had my way I wouldn’t even have that. It’s like Facebook with neckties.

  10. I have most (Twitter, Snap, Facebook, Insta). I use them in varying degrees. I’ll occasionally post of Facebook and Instagram but it’s rare. I use Snap more to talk to people than to actually post anything. I use Twitter by far the most. I’ve considered deleted Facebook but haven’t pulled the trigger because I use it for friends and family.

  11. I deleted Facebook and Instrgram last year, No regrets, I speak to family and friends via WhatsApp or discord. I can choose when to respond, take time to respond and not have to justify why I did not like/comment on a post by someone I don’t really know/like or one/two steps removed who was offended.

    I am older and yes communication is easier these days, but you never can switch off. With a distorted interpretation of people lives with filters and posting only what they want you to think or see. Must have an impact on the younger generation.

  12. I have LinkedIn and Reddit.

    I would not delete my LinkedIn profile.

  13. I removed myself from Facebook etc about 6 years ago and my life instantly improved. I highly recommend deleting social media.

  14. Facebook – only for Marketplace & Buy Nothing group, everything else is your aunt reposting old memes, milk carton kids, gas station scams, and your uncle who makes his political opinion known every 4 months. total fucking garbage. only used by people 40+ tbh

    Twitter – just a feed of absolute garbage and nothing – only use it to check trends / news – useful to get updates from companies, games, etc…

    Reddit – provides decent content from time to time, interesting reads, etc…

    Insta – keeping up with friends via. stories, that’s it

    TikTok – what can I say, there’s some fucking good content to be seen once you get your FYP into full swing and let the algorithm wash over you

    All in all I feel fine, I just use them for updates. I don’t doomscroll, it’s just a nice way to pass the time when you have a moment to yourself. Nothing wrong with checking news, checking on friends, etc…

    But it’s like anything else, you can get addicted. Just gotta recognize when that is.

  15. Hibetly I quit all social media except for Reddit like 5 or 6 years ago and haven’t regretted it whatsover. I do miss out on a few invites or events here and there but all of my one friends know I am not on it so it doesn’t make that much difference. I don’t even miss it and has helped me to keep my sanity

  16. I use Discord for talking to friends, and reddit for looking at stuff.

    IG, Facebook, Twitter, nope don’t really care about that.

  17. I have a Facebook for some old messenger conversations I have, and I don’t post anything new, mostly just get tagged in stuff. I have a Twitter, but mostly used for some fantasy football notifications and some news, but I don’t tweet anything. I have a Snapchat that I never use unless I’m talking with someone. Then for Instagram I probably use that the most, but I haven’t posted in like 3 years, it’s just to keep tabs with people.

    Social media is a cancer to society. Once I stopped using everything, it made my life so much better. I remember I broke up with a girl and it sucked. I went to go delete all my stuff on IG and Facebook, and when I was finished, it was like I was never even alive for the 2.5 years we dated. I figured why should I even bother posting at all? So I stopped. I ran into said ex like a year and a half later and she commented on how I must be bored because I’m not doing anything, and I was like wtf are you talking about? She mentioned how I haven’t posted anything since the breakup, and that all her friends thought I was rotting away. I took out my phone and I showed her all the pictures I had. I had gone on four trips around the world, spent time with friends and family, and lastly showed her photos of my girlfriend who happened to be a previous ex, and was now recently my fiancé. I was funny because she was speechless and had no clue I was doing all of these things and most of all that I was seeing my college ex again.

    Some memories are for you and you alone. I prefer just to have all of mine to myself.

  18. Reddit is my only social media. Long since deleted all the others. Thinking to delete this one too

  19. I rarely use it & don’t really use it for validation. On Reddit I’ll say whatever I want, regardless of how it affects my karma. Needless to say many subreddits are off limits for me. 😏😄

  20. I had Snapchat for a while, then one day I went on to see all my friends at a party that I wasn’t invited to. Deleted the app, and haven’t even considered redownloading it since.

    Other apps have been trickier, only because I work in media so I do need to be on it sometimes. But I limit it as much as possible.

  21. I have instagram that is used purely for a few group chats. Otherwise just reddit, if it counts.

  22. I use twitter and IG to promotte myself for work, and reddit just for the news and other memes stuffs.

    When I had a low self esteem, using fb was really bad. Especially when I stumble upon my ex’s pics. Also my family policing my post etc…Deleting it was the best choice of my life.

  23. You don’t have to delete platforms, just unfollow or block anything that doesn’t make you happy. My IG is all artists, comedians, shows and bands I enjoy. My twitter is pretty much all illustrators and comedians. If you don’t curate some socials it’s real easy for them to fill up with BUY THIS, LOOK AT THIS HOT PERSON, LISTEN TO THIS LOUD IDIOT, but with a little effort they can be molded into a pretty consistent source of new fun stuff.

  24. I have a Facebook and an IG for the purpose of group chats with my irl friends. Don’t actually use Facebook and IG outside of that. Deleting them would just be an inconvenience for communication with my social group

  25. Used Snapchat only a few times in the past. Completely forgot about it, tbh lol As for the rest, I forget I have Instagram most of the time, I use twitter only for very specific purposes, and I deactivated my Facebook (I still want messenger, so I didn’t delete it) last year. Reddit’s basically the only social media I use now

    And honestly, that’s the way I prefer it

  26. I have and keep Twitter only. Generally to complain. Never used IG or Snap. Deleted FB completely years ago as it was becoming an addictive distraction, and having hundreds of contacts I never spoke to anyway and rationalised that I didn’t need it.

  27. I was a sucker for the ‘digital sugar’ tbh. One day I wanted to post a picture on Instagram, waited till 9 PM to upload it (because that’s when most people are online), then I was constantly thinking about when and what should I reply to the comments etc. I was stressed when there was no reply to one of the comments for a couple of hours. I knew I was screwed. This whole thing was fucking up with my attention, peace of mind and just confidence in general. What the hell am I doing on this platform? It never feels good after using it.

    Decided to permanently delete every social media on my phone. Insta, Facebook, WhatsApp – all gone, just spontaneously. The next 4-5 days were a wierd yet proud realisation of how much time I have in a day and how much did I waste in thinking about the next post, next caption and just what not. I don’t think about the pose and the caption anymore while I’m captured.

    Never went back to Instagram and Facebook. On and off with WhatsApp. But honestly I don’t give a fuck now. I know who matters, atleast in this phase of my life. And I try to stay connected. I just call ’em up anytime I want to have a heartfelt conversation, instead of texting.

    One thing I realised was your mind craves for distractions. If social media is not an option anymore, it’ll crave for Youtube, looking at pictures on Google. Even Google calendar and Kindle library will look interesting to it. But hey, it’s still better to have a bad habit than a worst one.

    Fellas, just try it out. Digitally detox if youself can. You’ll experience the benefits first hand.

    Also, fuck Instagram!

  28. I was on snap, felt like I wasn’t having real conversations or that I could talk to people through IG, messenger, or text. Deleted Snap and I’m happier for it. I still keep IG around, but limit my screen time. I also have FB but that’s purely for marketplace

  29. I never had instagram or twitter, but deleted facebook a long time ago and life became so much simpler without it. I have snapchat, but only really send funny shit back and forth between 4-5 friends, so it doesn’t get used all that often. My last real use of social media is reddit, and I’ve made a few tries at quitting this too, but get dragged back in somehow haha I start by wanting to look at titties and then here I am having arguments with strangers for no reason lol what’s that tell you about what social media has turned into though?

  30. i still have instagram just to keep up with distant friends and keep them updated on my life easier. i used to have twitter, snap and i gained a bit of a following. really got addicted to both of them especially twitter and the validation it gave me. also i’d be lying if i said i wasn’t using it as a hookup app. deleting them was so hard and took multiple attempts but eventually i just never went back and i’m soooooooo much happier without them. truly a weight off my shoulders. i feel like i enjoy things more genuinely and thoroughly. i highly recommend it.

  31. I have a basically inactive Facebook account without any photos or anything up. However, I use it partly to communicate with certain people and have a few groups with useful information.

    I have also recently added Instagram. I’m not really a fan of social media, but it has happened to me several times that young women have asked me for my Instagram after I asked them for their number. It seems to be so widespread by now that I just created an account for myself as well, especially since I have many good photos from travels all over the world. But what also seems to be very important is the number of followers. Since I hardly know anyone who uses Instagram, I’m naturally very weak there. But by now I have a few attractive women as followers and vice versa, and they mostly only have a few photos of themselves in there. Once they upload a new selfie, they have 100+ likes within 30 minutes. It’s a strange world, I think it’s ridiculous, but it can also be useful to show women, look, I have contact with other women and I have an interesting life. I know all the followers personally in real life meetings, and sometimes the women on Instagram ask me where I took a certain beautiful landscape photo. I only have a few photos of myself, preferably ones that show me with other women, social proof and so on. I can’t do anything with the narcissistic self-promotion on social media, but you just have to keep up with the times and then you can use it as a useful tool to increase your own market value in a merciless relationship market.

    In the end, the effort is quite low, as I usually almost never look at other accounts and never like anything. Every week or so I upload some old travel photos and if a girl asks me about Instagram, I have an answer.

  32. Yea, i use it to keep up with cars, motorsports and friends who live away from my city, it’s a good timewaster.

    Never really considered deleting it as i can tell that social media doesn’t reflect real life, and most of the posts there were carefully prepped to be as good looking as they can, and because of this it doesn’t make me feel jealous.

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