if you are the small spoon?

  1. when you feel like you’re not big enough to be the big spoon even tho you know you are

  2. I’m a side sleeper and spend 50/50 of my night on either side. I don’t like not being able to flip whenever I want

  3. When your alarm clock rings too early and you have to get up and leave for work.

  4. I like to sleep on my stomach, so spooning is only nice for like 17.5 seconds before I need to actually get comfortable.

  5. My boyfriend sometimes falls asleep while cuddling me and I cannot fall asleep while spooning. Everytime I try to slowly move away, he’ll pull me closer in his sleep. Eventually I’ll give up because I do not want to wake him. It’s annoying, but endearing.

  6. My SO and I run hot at night, so any more than a few minutes and we’re sweating buckets lol. We have a king sized bed and use separate blankets so we get maximum space and comfort.

  7. When I need to fart mostly!

    Other than that… audible breath in my ear/feeling it and my long hair gets stuck and accidentally pulled.

  8. Overheating

    And I also move around a lot in my sleep, so being spooned or cuddled on makes it hard for me to sleep comfortably

  9. I always feel bad that his arm will end up going numb. I personally hate that feeling, and while I love being the little spoon, I hate the idea of making him uncomfortable.

  10. Unless we just had sex his dick will be hard and STAY hard.. I wouldn’t mind it expect it gives me a constant wedgie.

  11. My partner holds me REALLY tight. Which is good in itself and does feel great BUT it makes me want to pee every second

  12. One time my hubs accidentally drooled over me while falling asleep after an exhausting night.

    We still spoon but I’ve learned my lesson – as soon as he starts snoring I would tactfully free myself.

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