I got mine when I was 15 and fell hurdling. I’m also still picking stones out of my elbow 32 years later!

  1. I have a chin scar from needlessly picking at my skin when ridden with anxiety. Nothing cool.

  2. I have a chin scar from when I rode my bike down the pavement as a kid (maybe 6 or 7) and I went on the grass, but just too close to the pavement, so my tyres did some weird shit and I got thrown over the handlebars

  3. Yep! Went down a slide in the local park on my stomach when I was about three, cut my chin open and had stitches. It healed and I went back and did the exact same thing about a week later, my brother also did the same.

  4. Got mine from running around with my arms in my shirt, flapping the sleeves pretending to be a bird. Tripped over and couldn’t use my arms to soften the fall… so I used my chin instead.

  5. Me! Hands slipped when getting out of the swimming pool when I was 8. They picked me up and sat me on a little bed and stuck cling film on it.

  6. Chin scar and eyebrow scar from sledging head-first into a broken pipe that was hidden in a snow bank….

  7. Yep. A good one. I was a baby and my 9 year old sister was carrying me up the stairs. She tripped on some washing folded and on a stair ( normal, admit it). I bounced down the stairs and my head went right through the glass front door. I cut myself when trying to sit up apparently. Mum refused to have me stitched as it needed about 10. She had them do butterfly’s. This was 1967.

  8. One scar from when my jaw was broken by a kick to the face from a horse.
    Second from falling off my bike which was far less dramatic and the cut was just glued shut.

  9. Yeah! Got pushed of a stage at youth club during a game and smashed my chin. About 2 months late was at camp and playing football when a girl ran into me and smashed her tooth into the same wound. Scar and a flat bone!

  10. I slipped on water and smashed my chin off a bathroom floor when I was a kid. I’ve never seen blood like it.

  11. I gots one. Hidden by a scruff of hair. I got it by passing out from the agonizing shits and hitting the bathroom floor chin first.

  12. Had a go on my dad’s bic razor on my chin when I was 7. Cut my chin open and now, 28 years later I still have a white scar on there

  13. I do not have a chin scar.

    I do however have a pretty prominent scar right on my hairline at the top of my forehead where, while spending time over at a friend’s house, I thought it would be a great idea to charge head first at one of their glass doors.

    4 Yr old me was dumb as ducks 😂

  14. Went over the handlebars on my push bike when it was about 14, proper chin plant.

  15. Tripped over the front door step whilst playing in the front garden when I was 2. My earliest memory.

  16. Okay, here’s a story … we were visiting friends and there were two identical sets of flats with a playground in between them. My brother and I went down to play on the swings and slides and as children do, I kept running up the slide instead of climbing the ladder. On one of my runs up the slide I missed my footing and slipped, falling headfirst off the slide. At first I was falling backwards but I remembered my dad telling us, if you ever fall, don’t fall on the back of your head because your brain will roll out or something silly like that, so, no word of a lie, I used my arms to flip myself over so I was falling chin first, and then hit the ground, cracking my chin open. My dozy brother took me up to the wrong set of flats and I tried to tell him but I don’t think he understood with all the blood gurgling out of my mouth. Poor woman who opened the door to a child spewing blood. Anyway, several butterfly stitches later, I still have the scar forty years on

  17. My daughter has one. Fell over during dance club, and left a clear trail of blood up the corridor to the staff loos where they patched her up (we did go to hospital for gluing). She has a matching scar on her hairline where she ran not-quite-under a breakfast bar, aged about 2½. We joke that her brain is trying to escape!

  18. Yep. Don’t know exactly how I got it, I just know it was before I turned 4. Scars still there when I look at the right angle and I’m 31 now.

    I only have a vague memory of the nursery staff pushing me to take my stitches off in front of evrryone, and some mild protest that I wasn’t supposed to. My mum was not happy about it, or so she told me a couple of years ago

    Also for a scar between my right eyebrow and eyelid, from being on my dad’s shoulders and being hit by a low branch. Don’t remember anything about that one though

  19. I fell and bashed my chin on a chair leg in blackpool when I was a kid. Now its just a weird scar that my beard grows around

  20. 49 years old, got mine 2 months ago by running an angle grinder through it

  21. Big fucking one on the underside of my chin. Was at uni on my birthday night out and wearing smart winkle pickers – slipped on the dance floor due to the lack of grip and took a chunk out of my chin.

    Got patched up in an ambulance that was conveniently parked outside the club, but the scar hasn’t ever gone. Can’t even grow any hair there anymore.

    Worst part of that night was the fact that I ruined my favourite white t shirt at the time, it bloody cost me £50 which might as well have been £1000 given I was a student!

  22. Doesn’t everyone have one? I rode my bike into a gravel driveway and faceplanted over the handlebars.

  23. Fell down some stairs (no hand rail) and landed on my chin: broke my jaw in 3 places (I have metal plates to keep my chin together) & fractured/smashed 20+ teeth in the process. The next 12 months plus of my life were VERY painful.

  24. I have a chin scar from splitting my chin open during a Xanax blackout in the middle of the night on a pavement curb. Don’t remember any of it. I was so lucky.

  25. Fell off my bike going down hill too fast. Small wheels, big wobble. Six stitches, still got them somewhere.

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