Hot girls make me feel like an insecure little boy inside

dominant makes make me feel like a child and a joke

My entire mental concept of myself changes

So I get angry at them

It seems to be an unconscious shift. And it feels out of my control so I end up getting really frustrated at the person like, “why the hell do I feel this way around you. Why are you making me feel this way!??”

How can I cope? And always feel like that badass I feel when around people I think I’m superior to?

  1. No one MAKES you feel a certain way. They present a concept and you then take that concept, internalize it, and decide what to do with it.

    Being around hot people makes you FEEL like an insecure little boy. It doesn’t factually make you one.

    Learn to stop assuming you know how they view you. Because that’s probably what you’re doing. You see a hot woman and go “Wow she probably thinks I’m a loser bc she’s so hot.”

    Stop that. Stop pretending to be in other peoples heads and get out of your own. You aren’t doing yourself any favors by making shit up in your own head. It’s unproductive.

    Find a hobby. Literally. Learn to like yourself and stop giving a shit about what other people MIGHT think.

  2. A good motivator to not think this way is to check out the manifesto ‘My Twisted World’ by Elliot Rodger. He brought this way of thinking to a whole different level which led to his tragic insanity and death.

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