Do you think that love doesn’t have an age, as long as it’s legal and both sides consent to date of course ?

  1. i don’t care what ppl do with their life. as long as they’re safe and their partner isn’t an ass

  2. legal and consensual iv been attracted to much older women still am to a point

    and I’ve been on the other side of things too

    so it would be nice if I wasn’t called a P%&$%%*# (yes really) for trying to date a 20 or 19 year old

  3. Honestly, big age gaps make a lot of people uncomfortable. It depends on personal preference, some people (like myself) have a max of 4 years older or lower while others have 7 or so. It just depends on you and what you’re comfortable with

  4. I wouldn’t want my 18 year old daughter/son to date with someone in their 60s just because it is legal so no, love doesn’t have an age is not a thing for me. Every age has its own phase and experiences, someone in their 40s can’t keep up with early 20s young adult and its being legal doesn’t mean anything.

    I also find fully adult people who are interested in young adults really creepy, I’m not even in my 30s but early 20s people literally look and act like legal aged kids imo.

  5. This is Reddit, in real life I would want my son and daughter to be with someone around they’re own age. Unless their is a solid goal on the young person end , then I see there’s no point in the relationship…it’s very unbalanced and you have to be mentally Ill or not have mentally matured with age not to see that. Now past a certain age nobody really cares because your both grown adults who had allot of experiences already , but teen and young adults yes people will find offense especially in this day in age where kids are in no rush growing up as fast oppose to back then. This new generation of young adults are adults on training wheels , 24 and down are Usually still easily manipulated and not thinking in the long run but emotionally, irrationally.

  6. I think it’s important to consider the age and gender of the person you’re dating. Because our gender and age influence our behavior and brain development. Scientifically speaking, women mature faster than men, especially emotionally because their limbic system is largest than that of the opposite gender. So this part of the brain will be fully developed at 32 years of age in a woman, while in a man at 43 years of age. However, emotional intelligence (EQ) can be developed through knowledge as well, but since the number of people who have knowledge about the development of EQ is limited, I prefer to prioritize the experience that each gender gains through age. It is essential to consider emotional intelligence because our emotional responses and decision-making depend on it. Someone who is unaware or don’t have a developed limbic system is prone to react impulsively or act without thinking of the consequences. Another thing to consider is the libido (sex drive) of each gender at different stages of their life, but I don’t want to go into too much detail regarding this. Because age and gender is not the only thing that influences this but our surroundings, medicines lifestyle, and diet . So I don’t want to determine someone’s sex drive just by using someone’s age and gender knowing that it can vary by other external factors. There are many things to keep in mind when there is a (large) age gap in a relationship, but why I mentioned are the most important at least for me.

  7. I think older men prey on younger women because they don’t know any better and are easier to be controlled, but at the end of the day it’s none of my business what two consenting adults do.

  8. It’s totally fine. I can imagine it myself, especially since I have no interest in starting a family. In the end, two people have to find each other. What others say or think should not play a role.

  9. I don’t recommend it for young women unless the guy is wealthy because men don’t mind wasting your good years by love bombing, manipulating and grooming. At least get something out of it lol. I imagine women could do the same to young men, ofcourse there are exceptions, like young people who are very mature and older people who are young at heart, in those rare cases maybe, but it’s best to stick to people around your decade.

  10. Two of the best girls I dated were 8 years older than me. Nothing wrong with it whatsoever.

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