My partner and I have grown to be a lot more comfortable and exploratory in the bedroom however one thing I can’t get over is when he goes down on me.

For whatever reason, I truly can’t relax even though I genuinely enjoy it. I get super nervous that he doesn’t enjoy doing it that he feels like he has to, but we’ve had several conversations where he explains that’s not the case.

It makes it tough to enjoy the experience when I’m constantly in my own head about it. Any other person experience this anxiety? How do you help calm it?

  1. Trust yourself and your partner, it sound easy but give you time and no pressure and with time I think it will work. Or smoke 🌿🤷(this is a joke)

  2. I have the same problem, talk to your partner about it. For me it was a mix btw anxiety and insecurity. After we talked it over and he said he was doing it for his pleasure too, I enjoyed it a lot more!

  3. Women caring so so so much abt their partners “not enjoying and doing it just because they have to” while most men expect it and have 0 self esteem issues is truly a super strange phenomenon but I guess it’s what happens after a legacy of patriarchy in everything including sex.

    The way I would calm it down is to think of how men get to have their dicks sucked, get it constantly sucked and they have as a collective on average less self esteem issues abt it. The more I think about it the more pissed off I become at the world and myself for allowing this gender gap to persist for so long. If you were a man, the chance you would think this would much much much smaller.

  4. I understand how you feel, but this is no longer an issue that you need to be concerned about!!

    The happiness and comfort of your partner is his responsibility: HE WILL LET YOU KNOW if there are any issues. You can even communicate to him that you want him to be more vocal and open with you. – Otherwise, he says nothing, then no matter what faces he makes, sounds he creates, etc… he is fine. 🙂

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