I didn’t know until recently that condoms come in different sizes. I thought they were a one size fits all type of deal. So I’m wondering if I should buy different sized condoms incase any guy I bring home forgets to bring one. This way I can always be certain that I have one that fits him correctly and in general it makes me feel safer. I assume if it’s too big it can slip off and if it’s too small it has the risk of breaking? It’s not something I expect to happen a lot but I’m just making sure.

  1. There’s one size fits all and theres horsecock size….if you keep some regular and some magnum xls you should be good

  2. Honestly, in my experience, most guys don’t even know this. I suppose you could do this, but it will probably end up being an ego test more than a true sizing guide. It could be useful to find a guy secure enough to request the smaller size… that could end up being a good character assessment. Just remember not to stock up too much and keep an eye on the expiration dates.

  3. It’s a good idea to have a small selection of sizes for different penis sizes. You can also get latex free condoms to reduce any chance you have a latex sensitivity.

    Also, get some glycerine free lube so you don’t get any friction from using condoms. Glycerin free means it won’t mess up your vaginal ph.

    Get yourself a small hand held vibrator as well.

    Put everything in a box and call it your treasure box or playtime box. Something fun so it’s not intimidating when you pull it out during a play date.

  4. Too small will not break the condom, it might break the man. It will be like a cockring with a bag on it.

    Too big will slip off.

    Get a couple sif each if it’s not going to break the bank.

  5. Honestly, as a very well-endowned guy (~ 8in length, 6in girth), I’ve never had an issue with average condoms. Magnums and the like are mostly just an ego thing.

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