Is ungratefulness a big enough reason to leave someone you love?

No matter what I do, big or small my GF is completely ungrateful. Ive talked to her about how words of affirmation are my love language, and just a simple “thank you” or “good job” really makes me feel special. But it went nowhere.

This week was particular annoying. She asked for help doing some home repairs. I love spending time with her so I had no problem helping. I ended up doing the majority of the work (which was fine) but what happened after really upset me. She posted the work “we” did all over social media bragging about the job she had done. I didn’t get any kind of shoutout. Then the next night when we were with friends, they brought up how great the house looked. Again, she took all the credit. Not even mentioning that I had done a majority of the work, or even acknowledging I did ANYTHING.

  1. Oof that’s a major turn off. You’re probably gonna break up eventually so it’s up to you if you do it sooner or later. A good relationship should have both partners rooting for each other and building each other up. They should be each other’s number one fan! Idk maybe that’s just me and I’m just an internet stranger but it seems important to you so you should decide for yourself if it’s a big enough reason.

  2. Absolutely. I’m perfectly capable of loving someone at a healthy distance with no contact if they don’t appreciate what I bring to the table.

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