What’s difficult for you to quit?

  1. Video games

    I’m addicted T_T All my friends play, it’d be hard for me to just stop playing!

  2. Gluten. I feel better when I don’t eat it, but it’s delicious and is in so many things and the alternatives are shitty and/or expensive.

  3. Biting my cuticles and other skin around my nails… 33 years and ongoing

  4. Thinking everyone hates me and that I’m a failure when I make a mistake.

  5. Self harm. But, I AM one year clean. Difficult? Definitely. Impossible? No. 🙂

  6. Electronics. Phones, tablets, computers, video games, I waste a lot of time on them

  7. Not drinking alcohol. I’m 32 and have never been allowed to drink due to medications. A change last year made it so I could. But I still haven’t managed to get myself to have a drink when out with friends or at a restaurant. I’ve gotten so used to not having it in my life

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