I’m thinking Asda or Aldi regarding the trolleys. Local massive Asda’s have zero small trolleys now, and row upon row of trolleys that you might need if you were doing a month’s shopping for a postcode area.

Aldi’s nearby have many unused rows of big or special trolleys for wheelchair or baby, and a single small line of hotly contested smaller trolleys with an accompanying queue of, well, customers. They have actively reduced the number of trolleys that customers prefer.

Local Wilko seems instead to be using empty shelves as their method of reducing sales.

Meanwhile, in order to avoid being followed by security upon entry at the local Lidl it is necessary to hitch a deep and deeply annoying trailer basket to your person while shopping for a bottle of detergent, only to be warned at the checkout that “if you try leaving with that basket the wheels will lock and the alarm will go off and security will corner vou”.

If any person has any ideas on how to escape this situation in a safe and decent manner, please share 🙂

  1. Could buy your own small trolley and bring it with you every time you go shopping …

  2. I don’t have much advice but your post reminds me of when the bag charge was introduced when I worked at a supermarket; the baskets halved almost overnight as people simply refused to pay it and took the baskets to the car and didn’t bring them back.

    If you scan and shop (where available) you could always get yourself a shopping trolley (big bag on wheels and long handle).

  3. Fill the bottom half of the big trolly with loo roll multipacks.

    Then put your shopping on too.

    Leave the loo roll in when at the check out.

    Reddit 1 Asda 0

  4. My son is a manager at Aldi. The number of small trolleys reduced last year, then suddenly increased.

    Apparently they are the ones that gets stolen. They had to buy more.

  5. See all those trolleys people steal and dump in canals? This is why we can’t have nice things

  6. >”if you try leaving with that basket the wheels will lock and the alarm will go off and security will corner vou”.

    Did this once in Aldi. Shopped with a basket because I didn’t have a quid for the trolley, but had left my bags in the car. Got to the till, loaded all my stuff back into the basket, went to walk out and was accosted by a hilariously asthmatic alarm, and a cashier yelling at me.

    My car was opposite the door, and could be seen from the cashiers seating position. They still refused to let me take the basket to the car and bring it back… but apparently they’ll give me a quid next time for a trolley?

    Edit: Not yet took them up on the offer, I presume they’ll give me a token vs a proper quid, but was rather surprised when they offered that… that’s £1 for every time I shop in Aldi!

  7. I just take a bag from home or one of those pull along shopping bags on wheels and use that

  8. I worked in retail for a number of years and when sales dropped they took away the small trolleys because of consumer psychology. If you have a big trolley you’re more likely to spend more money because your instinct is to fill it up. I’m not saying they are deploying this tactic but it worked where I used to work and what with the recession, sorry “cost of living crisis” they want as much money from you as possible.

  9. My Lidl has 20 odd different sizes that are only mildly different, it’s an absolute arse to put back

  10. The smaller trolleys are lighter and easier for youths to steal after a few beers

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