What do you think is the creepiest/most disturbing unsolved mystery ever?

  1. Long Island serial killer. Something about the whole thing just scares the crap out of me.

  2. The Yuba County 5 for Americans.

    The Torso in the Thames for the British.

  3. How does an Arabic jew born in the middle East look like an Anglo-Saxon / Caucasian male ? And how did this deceptive appearance get widely accepted worldwide , even in the middle East also !!!!

  4. Did Epstein actually get switched out of his cell and someone else was killed

  5. There is a black void in space that scientists observe is growing – the issue is that it grows symmetrically outward (a perfect circle), yet there are no black holes detected. They speculate that it might be ‘eating’ star systems as it expands.

  6. The fact that there’s been next to no investigation into the contents of Epstein’s little black book

  7. The Toynbee Tiles aren’t creepy in that they’re difficult to understand how someone did them, but I’d say they’re super creepy when you try to understand why someone would do such a thing, and how they’ve gone pretty much un-noticed doing it for so long.

  8. The boy in the box story from Philadelphia. He was found way back in the 50’s I think and I’m amazed they still have not discovered his identity.

  9. Who really killed JFK ? What really happened at Chappaquiddick ? What’s the secret of Area 51 ?

  10. That German guy who ran away from an airport (in Bulgaria I think) never to be seen again.

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