Just some stuff i’ve picked up 🙂

-OBSERVE people and pinpoint their strengths and weaknesses

-Compliment people behind thier back (only on things that are obvious or noticeable) use the strengths you’ve observed

-Smile and be kind even if you’re not having a good day

-Think before you speak/act

-Don’t talk bad about people behind thier back

-Don’t assume you’re smarter than someone

-Don’t pick fights and if you get into a fight NEVER underestimate your attacker

-Treat everyone the equally

-Use your manners

-DO NOT make assumptions and act on them

-Never assume someone is flirting with you

-If someone tries to insult you act like you don’t care and just smile and say something about one of their weaknesses. Be very passive about it and keep eye contact.
It will make them uncomfortable and they’ll likely never talk to you again.

I’ll probably update later

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