“The more aware a man is of a woman’s body, the better. He needs to know he has to tend to a woman. She might not always return the favor, but a man always has to tend to a woman first.”

  1. Switch the words man, woman, he, and she around and it’s suddenly sexist.

  2. It’s solid advice for maintaining a womans interest. Sex isn’t equal. Men are driven to sow seeds. Women are interested many things other than offspring.

    I love getting my wife’s engine revving. It takes some time and effort but it’s well worth it.

    So yes I agree. Take care of your partner and they will take care of you.

  3. That quote could mean a lot of different things. Personally, I have values that would disagree with some of those.

    For example, I don’t agree with the whole “pleasuring your partner” thing, because people are not sex toys.

  4. I feel like I’ve found this to be true, but I’ve also had very cruddy relationships, so what the heck do I know… An equal partnership sounds quite nice though, where both people benefit from each other’s company, but at the same time more or less attend to their own holistic health needs and remain somewhat independent. Does anyone have a relationship like this haha?

  5. I only agree with the first part the rest is very one sided and pathetic.Sex is supposed to give both of you pleasure and if your significant other doesn’t return the favor then they’re selfish.

  6. It is a stupid way of thinking imo. Even if you switched the roles ot would be stupid. Should be equal as possible. Both of your goals should be to please each other

  7. I interpret it more as like *”understand who your partner is and how to care for them, don’t do it because you want something, do it because you love them”* which is very sweet, I like the quote if you reword it.

  8. Basically it’s referring to foreplay before intercourse. The word “body” in the quote makes it sexual viewpoint.

    A man should always bring a woman to orgasm by foreplay (mouth and fingers) to guarantee they are satisfied, before the man is ultimately satisfied.

    And yes, I agree. It’s harder for women to orgasm than men. Some women can’t orgasm through penetration alone. Once a woman cums, the 2nd/3rd orgasm happens easier (through intercourse). And ultimately, making sure the woman is satisfied makes the chances of future sex more likely.

  9. So much BS……

    My wife sometimes likes to blow me, nothing else.
    Sometimes she wants me to grab her, lift her skirt and do her …… hard.

    Sometimes she likes to be licked / fingered to an orgasm.

    And sometimes all of the above.

  10. It doesn’t mean anything to me and it rolls over my back like my eyeballs roll in their eye holes.

    Any sociological statement with “should” in it is as relevant as an astrophysical statement with “should” in it. All I can think of is “that’s not how it works”.

  11. The more aware you are of your partners body in terms of what she likes sexually, the more satisfying it is for both parties.

  12. The first part I do agree with. Knowing more about women and the female body is a great advantage. And apparently the bar isn’t even that high as a lot of men don’t even know how the clit works.

    The second part is complete bullshit. If she’s not returning favors there are many women who will.

  13. If I came across someone with that mindset I wouldn’t waste much time on them.

  14. Sounds like a selfish (and sexist) lover, and more broadly an awful person. Also, I despise the underlying premise that men are more responsible for the female orgasm than women. If you’re a chick and you want to get off, do your part; use your words and your body. Don’t just lay there and expect me to both do all the work and read your mind.

  15. It’s easy to please a man, literally just move or hell starfish it. Now pleasing a women, that ain’t easy so much mental bullshit to the entire thing with them

  16. If she doesn’t return the favour she knows where the door is and better not let it hit her arse on the way out.

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