By Fat I mean 50lb over weight at least.

  1. The term fat men is very derogatory, they prefer the term plus sizes men, just like fat women prefer the term plus sized women.

  2. Are we talking skinny fat, or bear before winter with a lot of fat and muscles?

  3. I’m a bigger guy but have always had a lot of stamina so it tbh depends on the guy. Almost every woman I’ve been with minus my ex (who was huge; she was at least 350) has been mesmerized by the fact that I can last a good 40+ minutes no problem. I’m not saying this to ring my own bell I’m just saying it depends on the guy. Some dudes may easily lose stamina and need breaks while other dudes may be absolute rockstars. It just depends on the dude. Now I will say I’m not perfect; I have a tendency to get charlie horses in my legs during missionary so that’s not a position I go into very often. I prefer doggy because I can do that standing which I like to do or CG or reverse CG. Doggy is my preferred though.

    The worst time it happened was when I was with this absolutely stunning woman and about 5 minutes into missionary I got a huge charlie horse in my leg and groin. I instantly lost my erection and was done.

    Now with that said. I don’t mean to sound forward or rude but is there a reason you’re asking all this? Like if you don’t find this man attractive due to his weight why sleep with him? I’m genuinely just curious because tbh it’s been my experience tons of women love us big dudes. If you feel you’re doing this dude a favor you aren’t. There will be hundreds of other gorgeous women who’ll love his size trust me.

  4. To be crushed under his sweaty , flabby body and feel like you are going to die when he just slumps like a dead whale on you as soon as he cums.

  5. That we LOVE eating 😏, and that means our mouth and tongue have been trained for endurance…..
    Depending on how fat there could be some interesting smells just because of how the fat rolls sit and sweat build throughout the day. Depending on if he’s had sex many times before he may be a multiple shooter. Be sure to watch his breathing and heart rate too, last session ended with me nearly blacking out because the girl I was with refused to do anything more than just lay there. If his heart rate gets too high his dick will go soft, just how the body works, so make sure you’re getting on top so he can rest. Snoring afterwards if you stay for the cuddle.

  6. Momentum = Mass, TIMES velocity. You (she) better believe it.
    God I love physics.
    (And biology, obviously…)
    : D

  7. We get tired easily, so we need lots of breaks, either you ride so you can be the cowgirl, if we do missionary we die to early…

  8. Dick is partially inverted. So prepare for it to look smaller than it is/feels. Also doggy sex prepare for his gut to be lifted and placed on your back…Also if he is tall, practice that back arch.

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