Men who like women to have a bush, what’s so appealing about it?

  1. I can’t say I *prefer* it, but I really couldn’t care less if a woman shaves anything, at all. I’m not some naturalist hippie or anything, this is just how women are made. It’s what they *are.* Being all, “I love women, but only if X, Y, Z” seems like a weird qualifier to me.

  2. Natural hair is soft and cuddly. Shave hair often has a “11 o’clock shadow” of scratchy stubble. That’s ugly and uncomfortable.

  3. Some hair is nice. You know, because you’re with someone postpubescent.

    Besides, I can’t get past the fact completely shaved looks a lot like an oven ready chicken…

  4. Cant lie. When i was younger i wanted my girl to just grow it because it made her pussy print (camel toe) bigger im not sure where that came from BUT now i only want her fully shaved

  5. I like the look of it. i like how it can tickle your face, hand or cock on approach. I love to idly run my fingers through it or play with it when we cuddle.

  6. Color, feeling, sound, and it doesn’t have to be an all out bush. I don’t want a machete to get to it.

  7. I don’t know dude, I just like body hair. Body hair is natural and body hair on a woman is not uhfeminine. It’s natural and a normal part of a woman’s body. It’s a sign of womanhood. No hair is a sign of a child in the most original and natural context. I understand that shaving is trendy and people like it and honestly I do enjoy that too but I just love the natural look of body hair. I think it’s hot

  8. i like all. i mean all!

    at the end of the day, i like women. i like people more natural.

    no make up. hair /bush. natural way of speaking so no fake high pitched sounds. real opinions and ideas that are logical and developed from their own POV or wisdom. hell, cotton fabrics and open toe shoes even.

    i love natural. i will always pick a natural over any other type of women. even if the other type looks like jessica freaking rabbit

  9. Not prefer, but it doesn’t bother me unless i can’t see the end of the forest through the trees

  10. When I was younger playing in the jungle was the norm. I have no issues with it

  11. My preference varies from woman to woman (well, since I’m bi, person to person, but you specifically asked about my feelings on women with bushes). Some look better shaved, some look better trimmed, some look better with a full bush. It’s just like a haircut, some people can rock short hair or a shaved head, some look better with long hair.

    Some women can really rock that granola outdoorsy “I own a Subaru Outback” look or art school “I smoke clove cigarettes” look.

    For the record, most men look better with some manner of pubic hair. You basically have to be on the Olympic swim team to pull off the shaved look as a guy.

    I do prefer to go down on people who are at least trimmed though. But it’s not a requirement.

  12. It makes me see her as more mature in a way, don’t ask me why, my brain just built like that.

  13. I don’t think I would leave a woman once I have seen her pussy only because of its haircut but I believe maintaining it bald should be quite an effort and I don’t think I would get along with a woman who puts so much priority on it.

  14. It’s this sort of feeling like going on an adventure. Like making your way through a dark forest, it’s warm, damp, ghostly sounds coming from above and it’s potentially filled with monsters and treasures…

    That’s why I named her bush Brocéliande, my tongue The Basilisk and my little warrior Bilbo.

  15. I like the different styles. The Landing Strip is my favorite. Gives my nose a little tickle and it’s just really aesthetically pleasing for some reason.

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