What is something you would like someone to do for you?

  1. I would really like it if someone watched my kids for four hours so I can do some self-care without any distractions and interruptions.

  2. There’s 4 dump runs that need to happen in order for us to move. I would cut off my left boob if someone would do those for me. I

  3. A long foot rub, then head rub and cuddle. But like, also renovations on my house and new flooring if money isn’t an object.

  4. Plan and execute a romantic evening including be ready for a certain time, dress nice I’ll pick you up. Take me to a nice restaurant and then after bring a blanket and spread it in a field while we look at the stars.

  5. Tell me as objectively as possible what I could do to look more conventionally attractive.

  6. Surprise me with an all paid trip to either Japan or Ireland. All I have to worry about is showing up. Two weeks. No worries. Just fun, culture and food. Sigh…that’d be amazing.

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