Got to chatting with someone, and they mentioned that they’ve had 400 partners in their life. When I asked later if they were STD-free, they said yes.

This is NOT meant to shame anyone or anything, but…really? Not even herpes, which like half the planet has?

I know it’s *possible*, but like what are the actual odds there? Is it wrong to think this person sounds super lucky?

  1. It depends on whether they religiously practiced safe sex. Also, maybe they DID get STDs. A lot are treatable.

  2. Assuming this person has 400+ partners because they love sex and are smart about their decision making – not making risky choices and otherwise practicing safely than I think the odds are pretty decent.

    “STD-free” also doesn’t mean that they’ve always been “STD-free.” Not every possible infection is permanent and a lot can be treated and cured. It’s possible they have had STDs in the past and have since resolved them.

    That being said if you’re someone who practices safely and picks partners who share similar values it’s not unlikely to not get an STD.

  3. Im well over that number over a lifetime. And I have always been STD free. I have always had a mix of using condom for first or all in counters. I did get a affect once caused by her having a yeast infection, but that’s it.

  4. What are the chances that all those 400 encounters were protected?

    I would nope out of there very quickly, but I’m more risk averse than most.

  5. Even if they always used condoms, condoms don’t stop every STD.

    Did they kiss their partners ever? Or ever receive oral?

    Congrats. Oral and genital STDs.

    400 partners. Tbh they probably do have herpes and prob had another STD (at some point, if not still).

    As more adults have herpes, than not.

    But it’s possible that you might not get anything at all, even if he has STDs. The transmission rates vary for each STD, and how you are exposed. The person being penetrated by dick usually has a greater risk of getting an STD, than the person with the dick.

    If it were me, I’d be terrified unless 399 of those hookups were over a year ago, and he has been tested since then.

  6. Herpes (type 1 or 2) and HPV are probably a given. Just because they’re so common and they only require skin to skin contact. Though the body should clear HPV.

    And even if they have herpes, it’s possible they’ve never had an outbreak so they might assume they don’t. And it’s not a standard STI test, so…

    Additionally, someone could just as easily have had only three partners and have herpes and HPV.

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