What can someone say or do that will ignite a fire and piss you offf?

  1. If someone insults the bookshelf i built today, i worked hard to construct samuel and he is beautiful and i will not hear otherwise

  2. I don’t think there’s any one thing that any individual could say that would piss me off like that. I just don’t give enough fucks what strangers think, say, or do. Someone would have to really try to get me to 100 for a long period of time, and even then I’m not sure they could get me to 100.

  3. People who make no effort to solve problems and instead make me drop what I’m doing so I can help them basic. It’s why I hated high school and, later, adult drama. Most of these issues could be handled if you talked to the other person on a calm level. BTW, it’s 2022 so “computer illiteracy” is no longer an excuse especially for a tool we all use daily.

  4. Apparently, things like my abusive ex making new social media accounts and then doing their best to get at my friends when they can’t get at me.

    I’m not even sure pissed off is the right term. I’m just so fucking tired of it and wish they’d leave me alone.

  5. This is me everyday no matter what 😪


    It’d have to be something physical to me or somebody else to piss me off, otherwise I’d just get annoyed.

  6. Only one thing does it. And it’s odd.

    My older sister when she says my name in the middle of a sentence/ response to me in a conversation.

    We’re in our 50’s now, and when we’re discussing something, and she doesnt just answer, but says (Naaaaaame….) (pause….), then answers, it always triggers me as being insultingly dismissive.

    I dont know why.

    Perhaps because in casual conversation people rarely just say the other person’s name every time they answer.

    (not my name in the examples).

    “Hey, I’m taking mom to her appointment, she’s seeing her doctor about the pain she’s had in her foot ”

    “John…, Well Okay.. but John, do you think you can…”

  7. Smacking food. I’m usually a pretty laid-back guy but that’s the one thing people do where I have to pretend I’m not visibly irritated.

  8. “Could you take your earphones off while I’m talking to you”

  9. Well, as someone with complex PTSD due to neglectful parenting, abandonment issues with friends, and an extremely shitty love life, technically anything that is similar to memories associated with the CPTSD is very triggering.

    But on a more “stuff that happens on a day-to-day” basis, when people get mad at me for not reminding them of something we had to do, especially if they’re someone who puts no energy into whatever relationship we have.

  10. Someone rushing up behind me , trying to put their shit on the counter to check out….BEFORE IM FUCKIN FINISHED……back the fuck up , is my 100 response…🙂

  11. everything going just as i expected it to go. i hate being right about some things

  12. How my wife loads the dishwasher. All the silverware is separated into specific containers in that rack and she comes in and she just throws stuff wherever. I still love her but…

  13. People who are annoying ASF, like asking questions over and over, until i snap. You properly explained to that dumbass, and still he/she still ask the same damn question.

  14. Being a hater for no reason/ being the one up guy.

    You know what kinda person i’m talkin about, that one “friend” that no matter what always has done something cooler than you, even if most/all the time it’s BS.

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