Can’t really put my finger on what it is, no matter how much sleep I get I’m gonna be tired the next day.

Got about 7-8 hours sleep last night, it’s not even 6pm yet and I feel like going to bed already 🤔

Anyone else get like this?

  1. Have you had a diabetes test? I felt the same, diabetes was my issue. See your Doc.

  2. How much are you doing during the day? Obviously people expect to be tired if they’re doing a lot but a day of doing nothing can make you just as tired

  3. That’s a symptom of depression, thyroid issues and sleep apnea to name a few. Go to a doctor mate.

  4. Yup.

    On nights where I watch tv, I fall asleep before 9 and wake up about 3am on the couch

    But. I have a 2 year old, which conveniently is about how long I’ve struggled with this for

  5. Could be so many things. I’ve been tired this week and that’s been caused by stress and having to disrupt my routine. I’m least tired when my work and home life are well organised, I’ve been to the gym, and my diet hasn’t been a train wreck.

  6. A wide range of medical problems could cause this. A straightforward blood test would help diagnose (or rule out) quite a few of the most common ones, so I suggest you see your GP.

  7. Talk to the GP – they’ll probably do tests for thyroid, anemia, etc.
    Hard to say without knowing anything about your diet, exercise level, general health, possible other factors.

    If you’re regularly getting under 8 hours that might be it, even.

  8. Get a blood test done. That will narrow it down as it could be a host of factors from anaemia to b12 deficiency to diabetes.

  9. Yeah I do but about three or four of my daily meds make me drowsy and I’m depressed so there’s that.

  10. yep. I’m always tired. I get up for work at 5:30am and usually go to bed around 10pm. I’m a rubbish sleeper, which doesn’t help.

  11. Same and I’ve had all kinds of medical tests. I think I am just over society, my house and my life choices.

  12. How many hours do you work? When was the last time you had at least a week off work? What kind of hours do you work each day? Do you have small children?

  13. It’s possibly a thyroid issue, my mum and I both have it. Book an appointment with your gp and they will do a blood test to check your thyroid.

  14. Can you give us any additional information about your lifestyle?

    You might want to start off taking a look at your diet or physical fitness lifestyle. Sometimes making tiny changes can make a big difference.

  15. Do you drink alcohol before bed? Cos that can seriously mess up your quality of sleep.

  16. How’s your diet? Are you drinking enough water? Exercising regularly? I sorted all these issues out and my sleep schedule improved dramatically.

  17. Get your bloods and vitamin levels checked. Magnesium and Vit D did wonders for me.

  18. It could be that your sleep isn’t good quality. Things like eating late interfere with your sleep quality. Or you still aren’t getting enough sleep – if it takes you say 30 minutes to fall asleep you need to factor that in to your bed time.

    Lastly one of the biggest factors for me: expending energy helps generate more energy. If you’re sedentary most of the day then going for some brisk walks will make a huge difference.

    Sleep is super important-hope you feel rested soon.

  19. Get your thyroid checked. Simple blood test. When mine decided not to work anymore, I could barely make it up the stairs after work. Slept for 12 hours and was still tired. After 3-4 days on medication, I felt better. Within 2 weeks I was back to normal.

  20. Depression is one, but also a lack of activity can make you feel “tired” and feel like you need sleep.

  21. Are you having to be forgiving of any emotional stressors, and not getting your own emotional/safety needs met?

    Some people are a drain. Could be family, individuals, expectations etc.

    Anxiety around security and safety can wear you down.

  22. I suggest speaking to your gp. You could have any multitude of deficiencies in minerals or vitamins that could be contributing to you feeling so tired!

  23. I had the bloods done and nothing there.. want to get hormone levels checked out, more specifically testosterone as I do have prolonged issues with fatigue

    But I also have an underlying muscle wasting disease that probably explains it… Just want to check everything else off though

  24. Some people need more than 7-8 hours of sleep. If I have less than 8 for a few nights consecutively I’ll start to get tired.

    Otherwise it could be many conditions that a doctor would need to diagnose. Deficiency of iron or something else or long covid to pick a couple at random.

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