It’s almost as if I’m tricking myself into believing my story. The feeling precisely is as though I empty whatever is needed, but it helps in the short term, knowing words meant what they meant to me only at the moment. Because it was only in the moment, I forget I’m tied to a bunch of people to whom I haven’t said what was important such as my background, trauma, career, reality, etc. Going out to see people, now, my question is “what do I do now? Was it in my head?” No. I just talked to myself and yeah, forgot about it until I saw people. How deep do you guys see this as a problem? Also, I’m uploading this in social skills. I was all about a different subreddit, but I would need a separate perspective here.

  1. This could help realizing what you really want to say. I think this could be helpful. You should try to vocalize it to others.

  2. It helps to put things in perspective and works as a self therapy I see nothing wrong with it. I do the same writing down my thoughts and thinking them over cause sometimes I need advice from a Real one and I’m the Realest one I know

  3. I don’t, but lots of people do. If it helps you process what you need to, that’s good. Even if you are the only person on earth that does their processing this way, if it worked for you, that is all that matter.

    Most of the time, if someone has upset us, some portion of the hurt has come from old hurts, that is, people who have hurt us in the past that we didn’t have the resources to process.

    So doing the writing or whatever to separate the past hurt and the present one is very healthy.

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