Okay so first of all I reached the age of consent in my country! In Romania the age of consent is 15!
So I (15F) started being horny cuz yeah hormones. I discovered masturbation accidentally really early, but now I frequently do it. External only tho, I know purity culture is bad but my mom making me to go to the obgyn is worse.
Okay so my mom entered my room once without knocking because she sometimes thinks she’s entitled to my privacy because we’re really close, and I was in the middle of some solo play time while watching lesbian p0rn.
She basically stormed me, went really mad, called me a slut, a whore, calling me “so unpatient” and telling me I’m going to be really disappointing, also telling me that if my dad finds out I’m having sex or something even one hour before I’m 18 I’m dead, that she will not let me go to college to fuck half of the campus, and kept asking me if I have urges.
Should I stop to make her happy?

EDIT: in Romania the age of consent is 15 with people BELOW 18 ONLY! If you’re above 18 stop messaging me looking for sexting.

  1. You’re none of that; exploring your body and your interests is not a bad thing. It’s your body and no one else’s, I’m sorry that you’ve experienced that!

    The only advice I can give is tread lightly, it seems your mom is scared and you should communicate with her that none of those things are who you are or want to be. Also, you’re your own person never let anyone take that away from you.

    P.S. I guarantee your mother masturbated as a teen and if she says otherwise she’s lying.

  2. I had a mom very similar to yours. I just hid it from her. I was great at hiding it. When I moved out it was great. I’m married 13 years now with an amazing husband and have 3 kids. So as a “slut” I turned out ok. Lol. Enjoy youth, exploring your body and to me you aren’t doing anything wrong.

  3. >Should I stop to make her happy?

    No. Your mother has no boundaries and probably carries a lot of sexist baggage around sex.

    If you have a lock on your door, use it.

    If not, a chair underneath the doorknob can work.

  4. That seems like typical Romanian mum behaviour to me. Realistically I think you’ll just have to put up with her criticism until you move out, then when you talk to her you can paint her a pretty picture of how you always go to church and totally don’t go clubbing or anything like that.

  5. OK, here is what you do.

    Find a movie or video with people making inarticulate noises — maybe wrestling or fighting, something sexually innocuous.
    Watch the video in your room, but, and here is the trick, *play the audio from porn*. (Perhaps just play porn on another tab.) You are sitting at your desk, fully dressed, obviously innocent. Your mother, of course, hearing moans and grunts, will storm right into your room. At that moment, you kill the audio. You might want to practice this a few times to make sure it goes smoothly.

    So she bursts in and starts in on you about being slut. “Mom!” you say, gesturing to the screen, “It’s *wrestling.*” You turn the audio (of the wrestling) up. She will be suspicious, no sure whether she can trust her memory of slightly different sounds, but I am sure you, as a 15-year-old, stock combat-grade eye-rolling, so deploy that onto the field and she will retreat.

    It may take a few more pranks of this type, where she is *sure* you are getting busy, only to find obvious proof you are pure as the driven snow, before she gives up and lets you rub one out in peace.

  6. I think at age 15 exploring your body is one thing, but I can understand her concerns if she assumes you’re having sex at a young age. She doesn’t want you to be a pregnant teen or catch an STD being so young. It’s extremely insensitive of her to belittle you that way, I’m sorry she did that. I would try to keep masturbating discreetly, and maybe less in case to not anger her if she catches you again. Let her cool off. As of now you do live in her house under her rules. Also, educate yourself on sex with research so you understand more for the future.

  7. She is terribly controlling. There is nothing wrong to have bodily needs. You should be exploring and understanding how you can experience pleasure. That way you will have a much greater time with your future partners. I’m sorry you have to live in such household, but don’t let them control your own body like this.

  8. Your mom reacted like a child and you should ignore her and your father completely when it comes to sexual perspective from this point forward

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