Are you guys self-aware of the smell of your breath when you know you’re going to be talking to someone you are dating/plan to get intimate with and know your mouth is basically going to be directly in front of their nose and how do you deal with it.

For example, if you’re out on a date and you’re eating a variety of food, and of course ignoring eating obvious offenders like garlic or fish etc., and you lean in for intimate “whispering” talk or for the kiss, are you aware of the way your breath and how do you deal with it? Or do you sneak a mint in everyday time you go on a date etc.

  1. I’m not very worried about it, idk people having garlic or fishy breath is not something I really notice, so I dont think they would notice me

  2. I avoid the obviously stinky foods if I know I’m going to be getting intimate. If not, just hope she’s forgiving

  3. Brush your teeth and floss and brush your tongue if needed, you won’t have bad breath. If you do, go to the dr

  4. My wife has the nose of a fucking bloodhound and she’ll let me know if it’s bad. At some point during her pregnancies she gained superhuman smelling abilities and it never went away.

  5. Brush teeth with fluoride paste


    Use tongue scraper

    If all else fails, mouthwash

    But the fluoride paste is key

  6. Oh I’m self aware. I’ve badgered gfs I’ve dated to tell me that my breath smells to confirm suspicions but none ever cracked.

    I make sure to floss, clear out tonsil stones and brush my tongue as regularly as I can. Also I talk out of the side of my mouth if someone is all up in my space.

    I also chew gum a lot well more chew / suck on bc jaw shit. The mints I just destroy in seconds.

    Dentist says everything is cool but it still is a paranoia I have.

  7. Yeah, we are aware, that’s why I always bring mentholated candies, a small bottle of mouthwash and toothpaste cause i hate to make the smell of bad breath during a date.

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