im 22 and that kind of guy who really prefers a Saturday night with a Pizza and video games/movies/ talking with friends, than clubbing or going to concerts or festivals.

The truth is that I’ve never went to a club, (because I’ve a baby face and I don’t want people to say “what’s a kid doing here? Lol) but mostly because i don’t like being among too many people in such a small room with also that much noise too,

But people always say that the 20’s is that part of your life where you do this kind of plans and live that “crazy life” I really don’t like it but I think i’ll regret it a lot when i turn 30, I’ll be saying things like: “why didn’t I enjoyed the 20’s like almost everyone else, is it too late now?

Should I force myself to like these types of plans now? Because I’ve heard that when people don’t live their 20’s they would want want to do it at their 30’s but it’s not the same experience, right ?

  1. I went clubbing once, my only regret is going. Maybe you’ll enjoy yourself but at this age I’m fairly confident you know yourself pretty well. Try it if you want to get it out of your system, but I wish I’d never gone.

  2. you’re overthinking it. You can do both. You can go out one or 2 Saturdays & stay in the other ones. Maybe youll like it more than you think. I think you should find a variety of activities to try, ways to be social.

  3. It’s your life, you make the rules 😉 …I never cared for clubbing in my 20s and made lots of memories doing shit I did like instead. I have no regrets. But if you think you will, try it out and see what you think

  4. I used to have that too. I’d suggest you go maybe once or twice (I did) and then find out you’re either right (that’s how it was for me) or go more often if you do end up liking it.

    You’ll probably feel better knowing that you’re not missing out. I have to say people also hype it up for way more than it is in my experience, bc no one wants to seem like the don’t enjoy it since it’s such a big “thing” culturally.

  5. Maybe clubbing isn’t for you, maybe you’re more of a bar type of person. I definitely agree with your sentiment that it’s more fun when you’re young unless you’re one of the people who clubs till they’re 40. That being said, I’m more of a stay in or go to the bars type of person. (Only with a sizable group of friends)

  6. Clubbing is cool bt its not the end all be all. Especially in 2022. Its really overrated. Make sure you go with people who know how to have a good time and that will make the experience memorable.

  7. If you don’t like the idea of clubbing you shouldn’t go.

    I’m 24, and although I frequently went clubbing before the pandemic, I would never do so now. I much prefer a quiet Friday night in cooking a nice meal and treating myself to some wine or chocolate. It is lovely not to get hangovers and spend tons of money in a night.

    Societal pressure can be scary. But really, despite what the media might be pressuring you, you shouldn’t feel that you have to go clubbing. If you do decide to go though I’m sure we’ll be happy to offer support!

  8. Do things you love to do, if not you’ll regret it. If that’s clubbing, good. If it’s something else, equally good. Don’t do things you think you are supposed to do. That’s a recipe for unhappiness.

  9. I didn’t like it either. The key is going with people you already connect with. Don’t put pressure on yourself. Just enjoy your free time. There are no levels to complete. Nothing to regret if you don’t go.

  10. If you hate clubbing then don’t go. You don’t have to answer to anyone.

  11. It’s often said, and I believe quite accurate that you become the amalgamation of the 5 people you spend the most time with and the type of people I would meet clubbing are not the sort of people I wanted to become or wanted in my life. In terms of relationships I didn’t want females would be getting DP’d by a dumpster every saturday morning (surprisingly common in my home town) and for friends I didn’t want people who were coked out of their heads and who had no concept of financial responsibility and were getting into bar fights.

    I’m now pushing 30 and have 0 regrets about how little I did it. Infact I’m quite grateful. I dont have a child I never wanted because I was too drunk to use a condom, I’ve never had any STI’s, I’ve never been in a proper bar fight. It’s also really not as fun as music videos/films make it look.

  12. I wish it was the 1970s and I would totally go to Studio 54, but I have no desire to go to a club and listen to some terrible music. I miss disco. Disco is something you can actually dance to.

  13. lol you won’t regret it. i do regret not going to the beach more. or attempting to date girls i liked. that’s about it

  14. I am not 30 (24) but I never been to a club I don’t drink and I rarely leave the house, I think if I went to the club I would just be uncomfortable and want to go home the entire time LOL

  15. i’m 24 same as you(like to chill movies/games) went to 2 clubs decided though i meet lots of nice people, i just don’t like it i rather meet people over a coffee shop than a club,

    try it if it floats your boat go there again if not then fuck it,

    + you’re 22 bro will it take you 8 years to go to a club once ? just go 1 night next week or some shit if it’s not for you drive back home

  16. I’m a female in my 40’s now. But I hated clubbing. I went with friends because I felt I should go but I didn’t like going out in the dark, dressing up and know that I would be somewhere really loud and in a bubbling potentially aggressive environment. I would be very careful to have one drink or none and always very aware of what was going on and was still targeted by drunk females or manhandled by groapy guys. Or having to try and find my friends who’d disappeared with some random. I have to say I did feel safer when I went with male friends or my now husband and his friends. But again they had their own issues when out. I think it’s a combination of alcohol, lots of people that made me anxious. I felt safer at Festivals, which is weird. So, it’s your life, and up to you really what you do with it.

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