Am I overthinking or is he not interested in me the same way I am?

So me (24f) and my good guy friend (29m) have recently gotten pretty close after a few years of being acquaintances because of mutual friends. Back in about October/November of last year, we’d start talking everyday. He’d ask me how my days were, plans for the weekend, literally anything, even during work when he had the free time. I had always had a little crush on him (my best friends older brothers best friend, always happens) and this is where I started to develop real feelings for him. About a month ago the conversations started to not last as long and now we’re here, where I’ll hear from him maybe once or twice a day. We hung out together on Monday for the holiday and he hugged me goodbye with a hand lingering on the back after he pulled away, texted me when he got home safe, and even told me it was nice to see me. He was joking around with me all day, playfully roasting me, even got me a drink when he noticed me without one. I know I have an anxious attachment style, I keep referring back to how I’ve been treated in the past and I’m afraid I’m self sabotaging. I’ve been told from friends that they think he has feelings for me, but I just want to know why the communication is getting laggy if that was the case. Could he have feelings for me too or is he just being a good friend? He did just end a long term relationship about a year ago that was messy, so I am taking that into consideration, but I’m just confused.

TL;DR: good guy friend of mine and I talked daily from sun up to sun down for months, and now it’s maybe once or twice a day and I’m not sure if he has feelings for me too or if it’s just friendly with him.

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