What do you dislike about traveling?

  1. Not being able to choose who I sit with on an airplane, I’ve sat next to a LOT of annoying as fuck people, or just straight up creeps who ask uncomfortable questions, I just pretend not to know English.

  2. I hate the part of actually getting somewhere. I have agoraphobia so plan rides or even long train rides are a fucking nightmare for me and I hate having to wait around.

  3. By plane: I get a sinus infection every time I fly
    By car: I get bored, even if I’m the one driving

  4. Jet ✈️ lag .. currently back in the states. Going to dread going home to Australia.

  5. The traveling part, still waiting for teleportation or anything where I’m not on a plane or train sharing air and space with others. (Just Covid really showed to an extreme amount how gross/dirty a lot of people and even companies are)

  6. The cost and the waiting. I actually like airports, train stations, etc. I like dressing up, making an impression, meeting new people and learning their stories.

  7. Planning, booking, packing, organising, transfer, the permanent lingering *dread* of needing to go to a police station or hospital in a country where you don’t know how the system works and aren’t fluent in the language, the immense guilt of leaving my very attached cats for so long, the worry of someone breaking into the house/floods/fire while we’re gone, the panic about not being able to just leave and go home when I’ve had enough which makes me feel trapped, the stressful way back…

    In short, everything, except being at the place. I prefer staying home.

  8. By plane, turbulence and the motion. My car, the motion. Overall, sitting on my ass and packing.

  9. Not getting to travel even more frequently is my only complaint about traveling

  10. Luggage and outfit makes the trip. Terrible luggage will ruin everything, your clothing and things inside, may even run the risk of being lost or stolen. I always use discreet hard case with good spinner wheels, medium lightweight carry on no bigger than standard laptop depending on trip.

    Not getting the window seat bugs me also which is more of a personal preference. I usually negotiate the other person out of it.

  11. I love road trips but I hate driving home. Boring and horrible unless my husband tolerates staying off the interstate at least *part* of the way.

  12. Not knowing what the restroom situation will be like during a day out in a new city.

  13. Not having any alone time (assuming I’m with people), not sleeping in your own place, having to find food, forgetting something, finding a way there, etc. (I don’t like traveling)

  14. TSA. I get really bad anxiety from the moment I enter the airport until the moment I’m putting my shoes back on after TSA. After that I feel like I can breathe again and it’s smooth sailing.

  15. This isn’t about travelling specifically but it’s related. I hate that whenever people find out I like to travel alone they say “oh you’re *so* brave” or “I could never do that, I’d be so scared.”

    It’s just obnoxious. Yes, I have times I’m anxious but holy fuck, I’m not going to war, I’m going to Austin

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