What is expected from you but something that you hate doing?

  1. Painting my nails. I trim them and keep them clean. It’s maybe the only beauty standard that feels too high maintenance for me.

  2. Eye contact, small talk, talking about the weather, wearing feminine clothes to present as feminine every day at work, wearing professional clothes at work, shaving my legs / pits, and above all; not mentioning my discomforts to anyone because A) most don’t understand and B) people don’t really care

  3. Being nice or accepting/ happy to every guy that approaches me~ Sometimes I just have bad days and it gets annoying yknow~

  4. Small talk, I really have no interest in having conversations for the sake of conversations.
    Greeting your neighbours, I never understood the reason in greeting people I don‘t know. It falls in the same realm with small talk though, I am not the most social person.

    For work. Wearing the stupid hair-net. It is totally reasonable just my scalp hates it.

  5. Shopping for clothes. It’s exhausting. Don’t get me wrong, I like looking at clothes and saying “this is cute” 20 times in a row but actually picking something for myself that I would realistically wear more than one time is sooooo draining. Out of the 30+ pieces of clothing I’ll look at, there’s maybe one or two pieces I would really buy.

  6. Planning dinner and making it week in, week out. I’d rather spend two days prepping and making thanksgiving dinner than 30-40 minutes daily making dinner or heating leftovers.

  7. Regular calls with my overseas family members. It requires heaps of planning, because of the time zones, and is usually way past my bed time.

  8. Fucking being alive. Everyone’s all like “Oh, go have a job and live in society”. Like, motherfucker this shit sucks. Y’all are ok with this?

  9. My guy telling me we need paper towels to be put out, when he’s standing next to them.

  10. Being the only one who cooks, even if I’m sick. I like cooking, but it would be amazing if I could have someone else cook something (that I can eat too!) just one day a month. Cause If I don’t make my own birthday cake, I don’t get cake.

  11. Seeming more extraverted, warm, emotional and approachable towards everyone, always smiling, making small talk and going out more. It’s simply not in my nature.

    I’m naturally solitary, blunt and often detached; besides, considering simply *existing* as a woman is reason enough for a lot people to see it as an invitation to harass you even when everything about you screams “do not disturb” and you’ve already told them you want to be left alone, I can’t imagine how much more frequently this would occur if one appears friendly/sociable.

  12. Folding laundry. I don’t care about doing laundry, or any other household chore for that matter. But I HATE folding laundry

  13. Being the peace/gate keeper. The conversation starter, the buffer, the coordinator. I hate the way my in laws default to texting me to make plans with my husband or when they want to talk to him.

    I also hate being expected to carry the conversation for them all during visits. I just won’t. I’ll be boring. They think I’m the reason he doesn’t reach out.

    He just… doesn’t want to talk to them and it literally has nothing to do with me.

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