This is my first serious relationship and I don’t know how should I feel towards my partner. He admitted that he is a sexual guy and loves to watch porn. He has a huge file of porn and I’m torn in between whether it’s fine or not. I tried to talk to him about it not in direct way but he didn’t give his opinion about it. I just don’t know how should I feel. Like I know it’s normal for guys to watch porn but having a huge file I just don’t know.

  1. Porn is pretty normal, but it sounds like he has a porn addiction. I personally wouldnt break up over that, but be warned he might have high expectations for you or cant get hard when the time comes. Its up to you to decide if youre way too uncomfortable with this. Whats normal for others should not stop you from asserting boundaries in your own personal relationship. Are you okay with this long term? Or will it be at the back of your mind every time youre with him? Its okay to have preferences, not every man you meet will be like this.

  2. It’s probably pretty rare to save a bunch of it but either way if you have it saved locally or you just access it on pornhub I don’t see much of a difference. So if you are okay with him watching porn which you appear to be then you should be okay with having it saved.

  3. I didn’t read through all the comments. Redditors in general don’t have a problem with porn, so I’m not sure what kind of answers you’re getting. But this isn’t about us, it’s about you.

    How do YOU feel about it? Are you comfortable with it? Does it make you feel less attractive, less desirable? These are valid questions that you need to answer and then express yourself to him. If he’s not willing to change for you, then the two of you are incompatible.

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