
I just wanted to post this incase anyone wanted to hear the bright side of an ending.
Its been one year since my breakup and I truly feel like I am the happiest I have been in my whole life. In the past year I managed to excel in my Nursing Program and am on track to achieving my BSN in the next year. In my new school, I have managed to become involved in many organizations which has helped me create new friends that I enjoy because of how limited and invested I used to be in one person. I have met a beautiful lady that pushes me positively towards chasing my dreams. Shes smart, ambitious, and loving. We have been dating for a few months and made it official recently. She attends grad school in the fall.

I took the leap in ROTC and started to get invested in the United States Air Force. I am on track to commission as a second lieutenant after graduation to become a 46NX (Flight Nurse).

I have been drug free for a year and have been the healthiest I have been in my entire life.

I went from 118 pounds to a healthy 145 pounds.

The toughest challenge in the year was learning to love myself again, and building up confidence. Days were hard, but it gets better. The only way to go when you’re completely down is up!

  1. This is great to hear, just goes to show sometimes we need to remove ourselves from a negative situation as hard as it may be. Glad to hear you’re doing so well!

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