I didn’t realize I rock side to side with a dumb grin when I’m happy and/or eating food I like. Sometimes I’ll even do a little shimmy. I didn’t notice myself till my GF told me.

  1. I am generous with most things, but I am exceptionally stingy with my time.

    When I am unhappy, the whole room knows it.

    I sing to myself when I am sick (I am not a good singer).

    I do not consider these to be good things per se, but they are good to know.

  2. My right kneecap is actually two pieces held together with a line of cartilage. I saw a pretty cool x-ray from that Ortho visit

  3. Apparently, I smiled weird lol

    Like, I used to smile clenching my teeth haha. Like the awkward smile.

    But then everyone I knew who pointed this out smiled in the same ugly ass way lol

  4. B.O.

    Junior High had a female classmate subtly come up to me and say start wearing deodorant. Was helpful in the long run but somewhat embarassing.

  5. I’m a nice guy but I talk to people like a complete asshole.

    Not trying to be mean, I just say what’s on my mind without regular of peoples feelings.

  6. I used to have long hair and swayed back/ “dancers bum” when I was young. I had no idea how flat my back is now after long years of hard work and riding motorcycles 3-5hrs a day until I saw myself on my security cameras recently and thought someone else has been in my yard. (I’m also bald now)

  7. Apparently I have a limp when I’m tired. Which makes sense given old injuries.

  8. I always slightly tilt my head to the side when watching a movie. Genuinely had no idea until I went to the movie theatre with my grandma and she pointed it out. Apparently, my dad does the same thing which is why she noticed it. I have no idea why my instinct is to do it (it’s not a hearing thing) but every time I’m in a movie theatre or watching something on TV, I find myself tilting my head without even realizing it.

  9. Often times I either speak too fast, to quiet, or both. Words roll off my tongue really quickly n my sentences get kinda jumbled up

  10. I never realized I was a pseudo-intellectual until someone pointed out that I’m actually an idiot. So now I keep my mouth shut.

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