Ask ladies, is my husband just so patience with me or he just smitten with me? Maybe both?

Sorry, English is my third language. I’m with my husband 11 years already, never parted a single day. So we not newlywed or anything, but he just so patience with me.

Example, I tend to nag alot, and I know men hate that. But it doesn’t faze him a bit. All these years with him, whenever I nag him, never once he gets mad. He sit and listened to me nag, then kissed me on the lips, then I nag again, he continued listen, then he kissed me on the lips again. *He said: I can nag all I want till I’m satisfy, and he will listen to it all, but he will kisses me in between,* lol. He just so good at diffuse.

And another, I can have temper, and when I have anger outburst, I slam stuff. Example, last time we were in the kitchen, nearest to me was the kitchen dinner table, I slam everything on that table down the floor. Tea, sodas spill all over floor. And we had a big bowl of fresh cherries, so it rolled all over the kitchen floor too.

He not even mad. He just quietly kneel down on his knee, and used his hands to pick up every cherries and everything that I slammed down from the table, and clean all the spills. Washed all the cherries and put it back on the table.

Well, I slammed the big bowl of cherries down again. So twice. He still not mad, he quietly kneel down and pick up all the cherries rolling all over the floor, and put it back on the table again. *He said: “I can slam it 20 times and he will pick it up 20 times again, he said I can do it as many times until I’m Satisfy”.*

At that time I was in tears (I feel terrible). He that MUCH patience. Maybe it love, maybe he smitten with me. I basically gave up, after that, I never slam anything again. He basically diffuse, and calm my outburst (using his eccentric ways).

And his odd/eccentric quirk with me. He literally, yes, literally kisses my butt cheek (random affection, nothing related to sex at all), and this has going on for as long as we married.

Whenever we in bed together, whenever he see me lay on my stomach play on my tablet/phone, I could be wearing shorts/pants or even if I have a blanket over my butt, he would gently slide down the blanket and pants and kissed my butt cheek, and slide it back on for me. It like he went out of his ways.

No, he Never was the type that like those slap, gropes, spank stuff. He very respectful, he said he prefers use his lips and mouth. So he just simply put his lips on my butt cheek and gently kiss it, the gentle slow kiss type.

He just so odd, like he has his own ways of doing things, lol. Not complaining, just wonder is this like patience + smitten at the same time? lol (even after 11 years with each other everyday).

  1. >I slam everything on that table down the floor. Tea, sodas spill all over floor. And we had a big bowl of fresh cherries, so it rolled all over the kitchen floor too.

    >He not even mad. He just quietly kneel down on his knee, and used his hands to pick up every cherries and everything that I slammed down from the table, and clean all the spills. Washed all the cherries and put it back on the table.

    >Well, I slammed the big bowl of cherries down again. So twice.

    >Not complaining, just wonder is this like patience + smitten at the same time?

    Fear perhaps?

  2. You might try being more like him. Nagging and bad temper are habits that can be broken.

  3. Sounds to me like you’ve won the “gentel dude” prize here. You need to take lessons from him and respond in kind.

  4. Why do you abuse someone who treats you so well? You do see that you’re abusive, right? Abuse victims often learn to be overly submissive as a tactic to turn away the abuse.

  5. Well, this is cute in a way. Hopefully your husband is the saint you say he is and isn’t bottling up negative feelings to seem perfect?

    The only time I’ve acted even close to that is during pregnancy. I am appalled at my emotions during this time, but it isn’t how I usually act at all. Outside of that, this doesn’t sound like very nice behavior coming from you. I hope you’re just as kind and sweet in other ways towards him.

    To answer your question, yes, he’s clearly invested in you. Smitten or a pushover, not sure which. And yes, patient too if it isn’t out of fear, lol.

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