I (25F) have a sexual relationship with a wonderful man (30M). We get together every so often, but text for I’d say 2 days out of week or so. I always tell him how much I miss him and he never says it back 😂 I KNOW he misses me too, he often contacts me first. He Wants me to meet his friends, wanted to get together on his birthday ❤️ (I couldn’t get a babysitter). I needed to know why he doesn’t say it back so I asked him. He said affection isn’t his strong suite and he really only says it to family. I totally understand and appreciate his transparency. Flash forward a week or so as we start our steamy session of intimacy juicy sex, I’m bouncing on it and he looks me in my eyes and says “I’ve missed you”. Lol. I obviously said it back but…. Sir? I thought you didn’t say that to anyone but family, really 😏 should I think of this as his valid way of showing me affection and that he cares?

TLDR: my sexual partner says he struggles showing affection with words (miss you, love you), he doesn’t say it to anyone but family. He said it to me during sex. Is this his way of showing me affection and trying/caring?

  1. You want the sex too? Just that right. Not emotional connection, right??

    He’s getting free cheap sex.

    What you getting girl?

  2. I think it means that it sounds like you want more than a sexual relationship with this man.

  3. Why do you ask the question if it’s just sexual? Aren’t you kinda putting too much thought into it? Which makes me wonder that you do have feelings for him….

  4. Always believe what people DO over anything they say.
    It has been my personal experience that a guy who wants a relationship with particular girl will make surethere is no ambiguity about it.
    I think he 8s toying with you, getting sex from you and likes not being obligated for more.

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