Title says it all basically. He wrote in it that he “misses her a lot, and regrets breaking up with her”.

I’m currently a couple hours away visiting family so I haven’t seen him, but I have noticed that his communication hasn’t been as often as usual; kind of just attributed it to the fact he knew i’ve been busy.

I’m less sad about it, and more just throughly pissed off about everything he’s put me through. Part of me wants to just delete his number and block him on everything but I want to be mature, even if he’s not. Do I call him out, or just say fuck him and block?

((He’s 22, and i’m 25 (F) and he has no idea that I saw it. ))

  1. I would just block him. Why give him the chance to justify? He’s shown you who he is, he has no loyalty or thought about you or your feelings, believe him.

  2. There’s no point in a confrontation. It won’t achieve anything and might cause tempers to flare. Just tell him you saw his post and know about his regrets and that now that he’s single he’s free to resolve those regrets. Then block him.

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