Ladies, what were your goals to achieve before you turned 30? What did it take for you to accomplish them?

  1. My goal was to buy a house, and I’m in the process of that now. If all goes according to plan I’ll have everything squared away a few weeks before my birthday. Just in time!

  2. – Find a partner I really loved and could see a future with (at 29)

    – Leave the religious sect I was raised in (finally worked up the courage to leave at 26)

    I wanted to be married and have a kid by this age (30 now) but life takes you in weird directions and doesn’t always work out in the way you want it. That’s ok. I thought i’d be super distraught about not having a husband and a family, but I realize that as the world gets more difficult, I am seriously unbelievably grateful just to live in a place where there aren’t bombs exploding. I’m glad I don’t have the experience of living in a place where i’d be stoned to death for not being a virgin, or a place with no fresh running water or terrible access to health care. Maybe I grew up in a weird and oppressive religious group, but now i live in a relatively safe part of town with a stable income and extra money to indulge myself once in a while. I can access therapy and walk down the street with minimal worry about gang wars or getting randomly shot. More than half the world doesn’t have what I have… and I don’t even have much by other peoples estimations. But I’m really happy to just exist as I am. Usually my optimism changes a bit around my period, but generally it stays the same these days lol

  3. • Travel solo around Europe, Australia and Asia

    • Buy a house

    • Start my own business

    I bought a house and did the travelling. It took me until 33 to start my business.

  4. I didn’t have any and I’m glad I didn’t lol. Can’t be disappointed you didn’t meet a goal if you had no goal!

  5. Get married, have a couple kids, graduate college, buy a house.

    I got married at 22, bought a house at 27, had both my kids by 29, but then it all fell apart. I got divorced and my ex kept the house so I had to move back in with my parents. I still have my kids and I’m graduating with a bachelors in nursing next year, so I’m on the right track. My point is that you never know what life will throw at you, so be flexible and don’t beat yourself up.

  6. Travel to more than 30 countries. Took skills to save money, book flights, hostels, putting together itineraries, …

  7. I wanted to have pregnancy and childbirth done before I hit 30.
    I miscarried at 24, had my son and 25 and daughter at 27. I had a mini stroke when I was pregnant with my daughter so I feel that doing it any later would possibly have had more serious long term effects on my health.

    My other goals were to have a decent career, own my home and be debt free. Those 3 took more hard graft than the kid goal!

  8. Buy or build a home by the time I’m 30. I’m 25 now and trying my damn hardest to achieve it still even after my credit plummeted and it’s taken me 3 years to get it back into a place where I don’t get rejected for everything. Still a long road ahead but I think it’s possible still

  9. I didn’t have any. I don’t like to put that kind of pressure on myself on something completely arbitrary.

  10. Buy a house.

    Make a certain amount of income.

    Have my student loans paid off.

    Did all 3.

    Took dedication and some sacrifice.

  11. Owning a home and making six figure was my goal.

    I’m at around $97k so just missed it. But have a couple interviews next week so maybe I’ll be able to accomplish that in my 30th year rather than by 30!

    It was mainly just staying focused and trusting everything will work in it’s time.

    I also some bucket list countries. I’ve done 14 countries before 30!

  12. Solo travel to Europe, become a teacher, improve self love, be more responsible with my habits, have a healthy relationship, get married. All checked except marriage, which I still don’t quite feel mature enough for! Past me thought I’d be ready by 25 and that is wild in hindsight. For now healthy love is where it’s at!

    Thanks for this question. With the pandemic it’s been easy to lose sight of the meaning of goals and progress. Such a time warp of stagnant uncertainty. It’s nice to reflect on where you’d hoped to be and realize you more or less did it. I haven’t changed the world but I’ve improved mine where I could, and I like to think that makes a difference.

    Now that I’m 30 I’m looking to change career paths and see more of the world, get married and have a child or two before 40. None of this feels particularly easy with current circumstances, but the next decade should be interesting.

  13. I wanted to be married. For that I had to get rid of my pride and start online dating and putting myself out there. At the time it felt long and painful but i was married 3 years after starting that process.

    I wanted to have a job working from home so I could be more flexible for raising a family and keeping my home. For this, I had to go back to school and start a scary new career path, but tbh covid helped with that goal immensely.

    I wanted to get in shape. I am in much better shape than in my early 20s, partly because I’m much happier and don’t sit at home alone, sad and wanting to bake, and partly because I got 2 dogs and they need to walk daily.

    I wanted to see more of the world. My friend and I were sitting around one day complaining we’d never been to Europe and suddenly said ‘what’s stopping us?’ So we took the plunge and booked a 2 week trip.

    I wanted to buy a house. That was possible for me at 23 because I live in a low cost of living area.

    I wanted to become a better person. I started going to church regularly and giving away some of my income. It’s painful at first but it feels good.

    I wanted to have kids. I still haven’t been ready, so that one will have to wait.

    Just turned 30, and I think I’m doing ok!

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