Hey all,

My partner has been on anti-anxiety meds for about a week now. I was initially worried about the sexual side effects.

Yesterday we had sex twice- the first time he couldn’t cum, the second he did but it took a long time.
Tonight we had sex again and he couldn’t cum.

Is this it? Is this the tablets? I know side effects are common but is this a coincidence or is this the side effect?

He says he couldn’t cum because he was sore from doing it the day before. I don’t want to discuss it too much with him because I know he gets embarrassed, but this is making me feel so down already.

I feel like I’ve failed as a girl. I can’t even get him off.

  1. It could be. Orgasm and libido issues are side effects. I

    When I was on them my sex drive was fine but over time I completely lost the ability to orgasm.

  2. I have been taking anti anxiety medication for around 5 weeks now so fairly new to it all, prior to being on the medication I was fairly average as in time for me to finish and had a great sex drive. Reading this post I just had to comment because my partner of 6 years said the exact same words to me recently on how it makes her feel bad and like there is something wrong with her or am I enjoying it and the truth is there is nothing wrong with you the medication has side effects unfortunately and then symptoms will decrease within about 4 weeks. If they have not speak with your doctor and get the medication switched up because the side effects shouldn’t last no longer than 4-6 weeks.

  3. Depending on the medication, it can take two to eight weeks for the body to adjust. Just because he’s having side effects now doesn’t mean he always will. If the side effects don’t subside after a few months there are plenty of other meds to try.

    The most important thing right now is that he continues taking his medication. He shouldn’t randomly stop them without guidance from his physician.

  4. Yes it’s most likely the reason. I was prescribed antidepressants for pre mature ejaculation and it’s worked wonders for me. I purposely got on these to prolong it tho

  5. Yeah that is a side effect, although for me it didn’t start until a few months on Sertraline. I spoke with my doctor and lowered my dose. It helped a little, but to be honest my partner loves that I can go for so long now!

    Just remember there’s more to sex than cumming, he can still have a great time. I absolutely love making her cum and that alone makes me happy!

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