So there was this guy I would always see at work. Hes very attractive very tall and very athletic build. Everyday I would see him he would always always be alone minding his business and doing his own thing and he seemed like very interesting quiet guy we work in a giant warehouse full of people our age 18-25 years old. Its a very social job but he seems to have no friends but also seems the most interesting and one of the more attractive guys at our job. One day 5-6 months ago we ended up working next to eachother. He seemed very quiet and to himself. Long story short i started sparking conversations with him and was letting him know I was interested in him and he was showing the same interest back he said he did not have a girlfriend and felt relationships were not worth it until he got his shit together hes 22 years old btw. Our shift was done and that was that. The next 3 days he came up to me and asked me if I wanted to hang out with him. During our first convo when we met we discussed our schedule and i showed him my work schedule so he knew my days off.. so when he asked to hang out i lied and said i worked those days hoping he didnt remember. Reason being i was dealing with another situation with a guy I wasnt sure about yet.. he gave me a weird look like he knew i was lying but then asked for my instagram anyways.

He ends up hitting me up trying to start a conversation. Hes texting really interested in me and i wanted to test him and i was replying back very boring and cold.. he left me on read and stopped replying. I would always see him at work after that and he would just wave hi to me and walk past me and gave me 0 attention.. this has been going on for 6 months. He just says hi and walks past me and never speaks to me. I would sometimes go up to him and try to talk but he gives me back boring convos and seems like he just wants to get away from me.

I have soo many simps trying to talk to me and this is the only guy thats not chasing me and giving me 0 attention and its making me regret playing dumb games. I always watch his stories and he never posts himself with girls and his stories are him just doing so much good for his life and seems like a really high value guy which i didnt expect at first.

Can someone explain what you think was going on in his mind? Is he playing games too or just genuinely not interested anymore? Is there anyway i can re spark interest? To this day i still see him alone at work by himself.

Out of all the guys talking to me he is the most interesting/best looking/and just seems the most high value out of all of the guys talking to me.. yet hes the only one who wont give me the attention and it drives me crazy and i want him even more.. and it seems like he gave me that one chance and that was it.

  1. Sounds like he dodged a bullet. Move on with your simps and let him do his thing. It’s not a game just a dude doing his thing.

  2. The moment I suspect a girl is playing games like the ones you were playing, I lose all interest.

  3. He gave you two chances. You messed up on both and reaffirmed his commitment to himself. Get over it and stop being a creepy stalker

  4. Sounds like you definitely jacked up the chance of a relationship with him; you have a chance to make this better, by being vulnerable and honest to him about your intentions behind “playing dumb games”, and perhaps he may re-evaluate the idea of hanging out with you. The problem is, you started off by showing interest, proceeding to lie, and then drifting him along making it seem like you were just wanting validation. Most guys don’t tolerate that crap, unless they are the alleged ‘simps’ which you were referring toward. Resparking his interest is going to be difficult, but I would wager that he became disenchanted by your actions; proceed with caution in the future with other guys whom you feel the same way about; frankly those types of games you were playing on him are becoming more widely known to men, and it has become tedious to bother entertaining. Hope this helps and allows you to re-adjust your mindset towards future prospective relationships. Good luck.

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