Is it controlling or manipulative to ask a partner to not be friends with someone who is seen as a threat to a relationship?

  1. Absolutely not. Sit down and talk and explain your reasons why you believe this friend is detrimental to your relationship. Set a boundary.

  2. How could it be? If it’s a legitimate threat like and ex, someone who flirts with you, someone you have no business contacting. It can’t be controlling your partner is asking you to respect boundaries and if you aren’t a low quality person you will understand them

  3. No I’ve kept in contact with many exes and hookups and my gf has voiced her concerns about them and I was a little skeptical at first but she was right and I’ve listened to her since

  4. are they doing something that’s suspicious? or has he done something to make you feel like this?

  5. Depends on whether it’s a you problem, ie friend is good looking and you’re insecure or an actual problem ie friend has done things to insult your relationship.

  6. Really depends, there are some boundaries that are inherently unfair that people are coerced into accepting, only for it to blow up in both their faces later.
    I have friends of the opposite gender who I consider my siblings that are strictly off-limits in boundary setting. They have been with me through the lowest of the low over many years. As Daniel Sloss says,”You don’t get to suck dick and instantly shoot to number one priority, you have to do the time.” If you really can’t let this go and neither can he, don’t lie to him that you can, and don’t make him lie to you as well.

  7. It’s either fine or completely batshit controlling, depending on circumstances.

    I’ve been on reddit long enough to know that some people can find a sister or even a mother to be a threat.

    Or some guy that smiled once in the coffee shop.

    This could be a reasonable thing to ask for, or it could be completely insane.

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