I am f25 my partner is m26. I am very sexually frustrated. I’ve read things on here about sex drive and libido not matching up and now I’m wondering… I think that might be what’s going on in my relationship.

I am always horny. I am going to be honest 7/10 times I’m thinking about sex and being a good slut. My bf on the other hand acts like it is so annoying. Sex is almost a chore to him. EVEN jacking off to him is an annoyance. I always say and thought guys would like and want a girl like me?! I suck his dick every morning, nights, I’m ass up begging and he just leaves to walk the dog rolls his eyes “oh you’re upset now?” He asks. I dress up in outfits and make dinner and he tells me he’s tired and thanks for dinner… I’m going insane. Every time we fuck I revel in it and he’s up and showering in disgust at what we’ve done.

I am going crazy, thinking of being unfaithful and looking at every dad begging for them to turn me over with my eyes lolllll. But I don’t want that, I thought I wanted him, we’ve been together since we were teens and it hasn’t always been like this. I talked to him before about me seeing other people to satisfy those needs, but he’s only okay if it’s a girl because “that’s hot.” (I’m bi)

I don’t want to be a cheater. I don’t want to leave him. I just want to be a good slut all the time and have a dd… but I don’t think that will ever be him.

  1. Have you discussed an open relationship? Or even the possibility that you’re just sexually incompatible. He can’t expect you to put up with this for the rest of your lives, nor should he tbh. It’s a difficult one but it probably won’t change for either of you without a small miracle.

  2. Have a serious talk about this and see if things improve, or I don’t see this working out.

  3. Leave.

    You’re too young to think about how to go about changing him. I’m no therapist but it seems like he has some serious issues.

  4. Does he ever initiate?
    When you do have sex, does he put effort into it?
    Have you spoke to him about how many times a week/month he wants sex?

    My partner (f) and I (m) have very different sex drives. I am more like you (maybe worse) and she is a couple times a month. We ahbe worked out our ways of handling this without seeing other people.

  5. If he just had a lower sex drive than you, there are potential work-arounds so that you can both be satisfied. But it sounds like he has a disgust for sex that he hasn’t gotten over, and your arousal makes him feel that too. Disgust is a really bad thing to feel towards your partner regularly, it is really hard to come back from that and have a healthy relationship going forward.

  6. C…can I be your gf? o_o

    Jokes aside. If you love sex and it’s an annoyance for him, you aren’t meant for each other.

    While it’s greatly exaggerated how so many guys want sex all the time, it’s still more common than not for them to want it more often.

    I’m a trans girl and my sex drive is insane. I have never found a gf that can keep up, but I at least look for a partner than can satisfy me. Like me wanting it 5 – 7 times a day but getting 1 or 2 a day is a fair compromise for me to make. But if a partner is at most 3 times a week, I can’t do that.

    If sex is important to you then you have to take it into account when finding a partner.

  7. Oof.
    I’m in the same boat, but I’m 28m and my gf is 28f.

    I would eat her pussy every day if she let me.

  8. either stay with him and respect his lower libido or leave him lmao. because you can’t change him.

  9. > Sex is almost a chore to him. EVEN jacking off to him is an annoyance.

    You are very much not sexually compatible then.

    Leaving is the only option.

  10. Sounds like my so, may the lord bless you with numerous orgasms I’m the future

  11. Welcome to the world of… almost every guy.

    Look, this isn’t going to improve. If anything, it’s likely to worsen.

    Imagine you had a cat and you wanted the cat to talk. It does not matter what you do, that cat is not going to talk. Eventually, you’re going to need to get a parrot.

    Luckily for you, this world is like 80% parrots…

  12. -If- he wanted to talk, that would be one thing, but since he is dismissive of that, that’s a strike against him already.

    Things happen….stress,diet issues/health status….whatever can change someone’s libido. But a relationship is supposed to be a team and while everything at not always be tot for tat, it’s best to strive to as close as possible.

    You have to possibly give him he proverbial slap to the face needed to let him know you’re serious if you want to save your relationship. Otherwise you need to get out, because while sex isn’t everything a relationship is all about, the fact he basically ignores you otherwise is a sign that things won’t get better. Good luck to you!

  13. You are overwhelming him with your sexual self.

    This is causing resentment. Either you chill out and stop bothering him so much or you break up and find someone that wants this much sexual expression sent their way.

    Sorry to say

  14. Dump him.

    There are too many others who would love to be in a relationship with you and match that libido. If you don’t, then prepare to experience a life on /r/deadbedrooms

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